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Federal Ministry of
Housing & Urban Development (FMHUD)
Federal Republic of Nigeria
Housing Ministry, World Bank Collaborate On National Land Documentation, Titling Prog...

Housing Ministry, World Bank Collaborate on National Land Documentation, Titling Programme.


*  move can unlock $300 Billion in Dead Capital

* Sues for establishment of National Land Commission to operationalise Land Use Act


The Federal Ministry of Housing and Urban Development has announced plans to partner with the World Bank Group towards conducting a National Land Documentation and Titling Programme in the country.


Speaking at the Workshop Nigerian Livable Cities organised by the Ministry in collaboration with the World Bank, Minister of Housing and Urban Development, Arc. Ahmed Musa Dangiwa, said the move has become necessary to explore the potential of land as an economic asset which is yet to be fully tapped by the country.


The event, held at the Abuja Continental Hotel, was aimed at fostering understanding and mapping out modalities towards the successful implementation of the World Bank’s Urban Livability and Mobility programme in Nigeria.


 "It is a comprehensive initiative that encompasses sub-programs that are very important to us. This includes housing and land management, urban services delivery, climate change action, urban management and finance, and transportation," Dangiwa noted.


In the area of land, he deferred to statistics which show that less than 10% of land in Nigeria is registered and has titles. "As a result, landowners cannot easily leverage land as an economic asset. This is sad and unfortunate. As part of our land reforms we are exploring a partnership with the World Bank towards the implementation of a National Land Registration and Titling Programme.


"Through this programme, we aim to partner with State Governments towards improving land formalisation from less than 10% to 50% in the next ten years. This is critical to unlocking over $300bn in dead capital. We have already worked on a draft framework for the programme and I have directed the Ministry’s focal persons and Consultant to share with the World Bank Group so we can begin the process towards adoption and implementation," he said.


He added that the programme is an  important component in the Ministry's land reforms strategy and will complement the Ministry’s plans to set up a National Land Commission to operationalize the Land Use Act.


The Nigeria Urban Livability and Mobility Programmatic Analytics and Advisory Services (ULM PASA) was launched by the World Bank to provide the Federal and State governments with technical support to improve the design and implementation of development policies and programs in selected Nigerian cities to enhance their livability, competitiveness and resilience.


To this end, the Minister said "the workshop provides a platform to share knowledge, exchange ideas, and forge partnerships that will propel our cities towards sustainable, inclusive and resilient growth. We must harness the power of collaboration and leverage the expertise and experience of the World Bank to develop innovative solutions that address the multifaceted problems facing our cities."


Dangiwa took out time to reel out the efforts of the Federal Government towards developing livable and sustainable cities, including the Renewed Hope Cities and Estates programme which aims to deliver 50,000 housing units in the first phase. 


He explained "Our cities, once strongholds of economic growth and social progress, are now grappling with an array of complexities: rapid urbanization, infrastructure deficits, environmental degradation, climate change, housing deficit, poor service delivery and social inequality. These challenges, while daunting, also present immense opportunities for innovation and transformation.


Accordingly, the Minister stated also that establishing new cities and estates provides an opportunity for deliberate planning and designing of urban spaces that are not only beautiful in addition to landscape, but also promote efficiency and sustainability.


Stating further " This is more so given the climate challenges that we face in ensuring that the housing sector contributes its quota to helping our country meet its green gas reduction targets. At the Ministry, we believe that implementing green building techniques, efficient waste management, and creating green spaces can contribute to a healthier and more environmentally friendly urban landscape”.


The World Bank Task Team Leader, Fuad Malkawi, presented the preliminary findings of the World Bank analytical review of Nigerian cities which he said were at the risk of disaster exposure due to inadequate infrastructure and basic social services as a result of rapid growth.


The workshop had two panel discussion sessions on; key priorities of state governments to improve Urban Livability and on Institutional Constrains to Improving Urban Livability.

Participants at the workshop include states' commissioners and senior government officials responsible for lands, environment and housing matters.


States that attended the workshop were; Anambra, Abia, Edo, Kaduna. Kano,  Lagos, Oyo, Rivers and Plateau 


The main objective was helping Nigerian cities to become more livable through collaborative deliberation on key urban policies, challenges, and institutional barriers hindering the effective implementation of urban development programs at the state and city levels.


Recommendations presented at the end of the workshop include; addressing the challenges of inaccurate data, reducing pressure on existing services due to rapid urban growth through adequate urban planning, controlling development along flood plains, developing programmes in line with government policies to drive urban livability, investing in climate smart infrastructure and services through prioritization process, and facilitating the review of the Land Use Act 1978 (1999 as amended).


Others are the development of a Drainage Master Plan for flood control, and a National Urban Programme to operationalize the National Urban Development Policy, the creation of City Administrations by State Governments backed by political will and Legal framework and improving their roles in service delivery, as well as integrating disaster resilience and early warning systems with State development plans, among others.

We Are Set To Deliver 1000 Housing Units In Five Months Time - Dangiwa ...

We are Set to Deliver 1000 Housing Units In Five Months Time - Dangiwa 


… says housing ministry can generate N300bn from sale of houses in two years 


Minister of Housing and Urban Development has disclosed that 1000 housing units of the Renewed Hope Cities is slated to be delivered by the end of the year, with the other units to be delivered by mid next year for commissioning by President Bola Ahmed Tinubu, at the pilot phase of the project in Karsana Abuja.


The Minister made this disclosure while briefing the Senate Committee on Lands, Housing and Urban Development, during their oversight visit to the Ministry.


He explained that a consortium of developers were contracted to deliver a total of 100,000 housing units all over the federation under the Renewed Hope Cities and Estates programme, 20,000 units of which will be in Abuja with the pilot phase at Karsana to house 3112 housing units.


He also noted that the developers are to provide the financing for the units, the land and off-takers, while the Ministry guarantees their loan with bankable off-takers guarantee, to enable them access the finance.


Dangiwa made a comprehensive three dimensional presentation of the work ongoing at the Renewed Hope City site in Karsana to the Senate Committee, stating that the developers have accessed funding through Family Homes funds and other means, and are on site working to ensure they deliver in due time.


He informed that a steering committee comprising the honourable Ministers, the Permanent Secretary and the consortium of developers was set up, as well as a monitoring committee made up of officials from the Ministry, Federal Mortgage Bank, Family Home Funds, the developers and other institutions, who monitors the projects on a weekly basis.


The Minister during his briefing, presented some documents earlier requested by the Senate Committee to include: a comprehensive briefing of the activities of the Ministry, the budget performance of 2023 and 2024 appropriation act covering all budget lines including the 2023 supplementary budget act, a detailed implementation of the Renewed Hope Cities and Estates programme.


Others are; detailed implementation of the Renewed Hope Urban Renewal and Slum upgrade programme, detailed progress report of the National Housing Programme Nationwide, a list of the federal government properties under the control of the Ministry Nationwide, details of partnership between the Ministry and the private sector or other public institution for urban development, amongst others.


While fielding questions from the journalists during the oversight visit, the Housing Minister was delighted to inform that the Senate Committee advocated for more funding for the Ministry to the tune of N500bn, further expressing hope that the Ministry can return up to N300bn to the coffers of government from the sale of houses in two years time, if given a budgetary allocation of N500bn.


He also noted with gladness that the ongoing efforts of the Ministry were highly appreciated by the Senate Committee, having done groundbreaking for the Renewed Hope Cities and Estates in 13 sites which is funded by the 2023 supplementary budget.


“We also took them through the public private partnerships that we are doing with some of the reputable developers to which Karsana is one of it where we are building 3112 unit; we have discussed also about the Slum Upgrade and Urban Renewal which cuts across 28 sites across the country. Most of these projects are almost completed and we are about to commence the 2024 budget”, he added.


On their part, the chairman of the committee on lands, housing and Urban Development Senator Aminu Waziri Tambuwal, noted that their visit signaled the commencement of oversight activities of the committee for the 2023 supplementary and 2024 budget, pointing out that committees of the senate are saddled with the responsibility of oversighting the activities of Ministries, Departments and Agencies under them, as required under the constitution of the federal republic of Nigeria.


He said that the 2023 supplementary budget has advanced, hence the need to visit the ministry and proceed to some sites where the appropriations are being implemented to see for themselves and access what is going on.


Tambuwal thanked the Minister for his cooperation, adding that it was in the interest of the country to make sure that monies appropriated are spent in accordance with extant laws and regulations.


He as well consented that more funds needs to be allocated to the Ministry giving that housing is one sector that will generally distribute wealth to the lowest of the low.

Collaborative Efforts For Housing And Urban Development ...

Collaborative Efforts For Housing and Urban Development 


- FMHUD Nigeria and Ansari Group UAE, explore partnership.


In a significant step towards enhancing global urban development, the Honourable Ministers of Housing and Urban Development, Arc. Ahmed Musa Dangiwa and H.E Abdullahi Tijjani Gwarzo, participated in a multilateral virtual meeting with UN-Habitat and the Ansari Group of the UAE. The central focus of the meeting was the 1000 Cities Programme by UN-Habitat and the exploration of potential collaboration with the Ansari Group.


The Ansari Group was represented by its President, Dr. Sania Ansari, who expressed a strong commitment to sustainable urban development. The meeting was skillfully anchored by Ambassador Murtala Jimoh from the Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs, who facilitated the discussions and ensured productive dialogue.


Dr. Ansari highlighted the Ansari Group's dedication to creating sustainable urban environments and their eagerness to partner with UN-Habitat in advancing the 1000 Cities Programme. This initiative aims to transform urban spaces worldwide, focusing on enhancing infrastructure, promoting sustainability, and improving the overall quality of life.


UN-Habitat representatives provided an in-depth overview of the programme, outlining its objectives and ongoing projects. They emphasized the critical role of private sector partnerships in achieving the programme's ambitious goals and the significant impact it aims to deliver.


The Honourable Ministers reaffirmed the government's support for the programme, recognizing the immense benefits such collaborations could bring to national urban development efforts. They stressed the importance of aligning these initiatives with national development plans and policies to ensure integrated and cohesive urban growth.


The meeting concluded with a commitment from all parties to continue exploring and formalizing the collaboration. Follow-up meetings and detailed discussions were planned to solidify the partnership framework and identify specific projects and initiatives.


This virtual meeting represents a pivotal move towards fostering international collaboration in sustainable urban development. The anticipated partnership between UN-Habitat, the Ansari Group, and the Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs promises to drive transformative changes in urban landscapes, contributing significantly to the global effort of building better cities for future generations.

Senate Committee On Housing Supports Case For N500 Billion Annual Allocation For Rene...

Senate Committee on Housing Supports Case for N500 Billion Annual Allocation for Renewed Hope Cities & Estates Programme


…Says Inflation, Huge Deficit Render Current Budget Insignificant


…Allocation for Housing Development Not Free Money but Profitable Investment, Says Minister


The Senate Committee on Lands, Housing, and Urban Development has thrown its support to the push by the Minister of Housing and Urban Development, Arc. Ahmed Musa Dangiwa for N500 Billion in annual allocation to support the implementation of the Renewed Hope Cities and Estates programme.


Reacting to the Minister’s briefing during an oversight invitation by the committee, the Chairman, Sen. Aminu Tambuwal, assured the Minister of full support to ensure he achieves the mandate of the Ministry, especially in the area of housing development.


Also reacting, the Vice Chairman, Sen. Victor Umeh noted that the case for N500 Billion by the Minister is justified, considering the huge housing deficit in the country, inflationary trends, and troubling foreign exchange. “At the end of the day, even that N500 Billion may not be able to do so much,” he said.

Earlier in his briefing, Arc. Dangiwa noted that budgetary provision for the housing and urban sector has not matched the housing and urban development needs of the nation for many years.


“There is a massive historic mismatch between the housing and urban development needs of our country versus budgetary provision. Rough statistics show that we need an annual increase in housing stock of about 550,000 units over the next ten years to meet the need. This would require about N5.5 trillion per annum. 


“We are aware that all these cannot come from the Government and are working on Public Private Partnerships and other sources of housing finance. But the government needs to do more,” he said.


While he noted the transformative efforts of the Ministry in the last one year, he decried the insufficient allocation. “In the 2023 Supplementary budget we got N100bn. In 2024 we received approval for about N80bn. This is a far cry from what is needed to make a difference.


“I am taking the opportunity to make a solemn request for your consideration, Distinguished Senators, for the provision of a minimum of N500bn Budgetary Allocation Per Annum to the Ministry. This is less than 10% of the N5.5Trn annual requirement for tackling Nigeria’s housing challenge. It is important to state that this is not free money but a profitable investment. The houses will be built, sold and the money returned back to government over time. This is besides the jobs that will be created and the boost to the national economy.


“I must emphasize that money spent in housing development is not wasted money. It is an economic, social and security investment in our country. Housing is a catalyst for economic development, job creation and it should be prioritized alongside works, roads and bridges. In fact, over 80% of the money deployed to housing comes back in terms of value to the economy and national development,” he said.


The Minister further noted that housing development is a key catalyst for job creation, lifting 100 million Nigerians out of poverty, and helping to achieve a $1 Trillion economy, which are key priorities of the administration of President Bola Tinubu.


Dangiwa further took out time to brief the lawmakers on the milestones achieved by the Ministry since his appointment in August 2023, including the flag-off for a total of 6,612 housing units across 13 states and the Federal Capital Territory since the launch of the Renewed Hope Cities and Estates programme by President Bola Tinubu in February 2024. Most of the units are slated to be completed by the end of 2024.

He noted that, although the plan was to build 500 housing units in each of the 30 states as Renewed Hope Estates, budgetary constraints have forced the Ministry to limit it to 250 units per state in the meantime.


Other key milestones are Slum Upgrade and Urban Renewal programme taking place in 26 locations across the country, as well as the inauguration of Four Reforms Task Teams to entrench synergy between housing institutions, enhance their housing delivery capacities, develop actionable blueprints for implementing land reforms and establishing a National Land Commission, as well as set up modalities for establishing Building Materials Manufacturing Hubs in the six (6) geopolitical zones of the country.


Other members of the committee urged the Minister to rapidly expand the programme to accommodate more states not captured in the first round of Ground-breaking exercises, with the Minister emphasizing that the only criteria for siting the projects is the provision of free, unencumbered land by the state governments.


Housing Ministry Completes Second Leg Groundbreaking Exercise Of Renewed Hope Housing...

Housing Ministry Completes Second Leg Groundbreaking Exercise of Renewed Hope Housing Programme 


 *  To construct 2000 Housing Units across eight States 


The second leg groundbreaking exercise of Renewed Hope Housing Programme covering eight states across the geo -political zones has been concluded today, Tuesday,  July 9th, 2024, in Ibadan, Oyo State.


The eight states covered under the second leg were; Ebonyi and Abia (south east), Akwa Ibom and  Delta (south-south), Osun and Oyo (south-west), and Benue and Nasarawa states (north-central). 


Last month, the first leg of the exercise included groundbreaking for 1,500 units in five northern states which covered Renewed Hope Estates in Katsina, Yobe, Gombe, and Sokoto, and a Renewed Hope City in Kano.


Honorable Minister of Housing and Urban Development, Arc. Ahmed Musa Dangiwa,  led the groundbreaking ceremony for the 250-housing unit Renewed Hope Estate in Ibadan, Oyo State capital, with the assurance of completion of all the housing projects in a couple of months. 


The Oyo event marks the completion of the second round Groundbreaking exercise, resulting in a total of 2,000 housing units across eight states. 


The phase one of the Renewed Hope Housing Programme aims to deliver 50,000 housing units across Nigeria, including seven Renewed Hope Cities with 500-1,000 units each in the six geopolitical zones and the FCT, and 250-unit Renewed Hope Estates in the remaining thirty states.


The programme aims to create jobs, uplift lives, and boost economic development, aligning with the President’s Renewed Hope Agenda to stimulate inclusive growth, lift 100 million Nigerians out of poverty, and build a $1 trillion economy.


Work is ongoing at the various project sites in all the states selected under phase one, with plans for completion within a few months. 


The Oyo estate will consist of 50 one-bedroom semi-detached bungalows, 150 two-bedroom semi-detached bungalows, and 50 three-bedroom semi-detached bungalows. 


The housing units are designed for affordability and future expansion, allowing owners to expand their homes as their financial situation improves.


Dangiwa tasked the contractors in Oyo state; Skyhawk Nig. Ltd, Plusvaz Nigeria Ltd, Blue Sea Investment Ltd, and Harama Global Ltd with ensuring high-quality construction. 


Hw emphasized zero tolerance for substandard work and the necessity of adhering to timelines. 


Various purchasing options for the houses include; single-digit mortgage loans, rent-to-own schemes by the Federal Mortgage Bank of Nigeria, and outright purchase options, have been created to ensure affordability for all Nigerians.


The construction of these 250 units in every state is expected to create over 6,500 jobs across various trades, contributing to significant economic activity and impact.


The project will also generate numerous economic activities, benefiting those involved in food sales, block supply, and building material provision.


The Housing Minister emphasized the importance of land provision for these projects. States not covered under the 2023 supplementary budget will be included in the 2024 Budget, provided they offer land at no cost. 


The Minister thanked Oyo State Governor, Oluwaseyi Makinde for providing land at no cost, reducing housing costs by up to 30%. He also expressed gratitude to President Tinubu for his vision and political will to deliver quality housing to Nigerians.


The Renewed Hope Housing Programme continues to demonstrate the federal government’s commitment to fulfilling its promises and responsibilities to the Nigerian people.

Welcome Remarks By The Hon. Minister Of State For Housing And Urban Development, Alh....

Welcome Remarks By The Hon. Minister Of State For Housing And Urban Development, Alh. Tijjani Gwarzo At The Official Groundbreaking Ceremony For 250-Housing Units Renewed Hope Estate In Oyo On Tuesday July 9 2024



Your Excellencies, Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen. 


I want to begin my remarks by specially welcoming the Executive Governor of Oyo State, His Excellency, Oluwaseyi Abiodun Makinde. We are happy to have you here with us today.


It is indeed my pleasure to welcome you all, on behalf of the Honourable Minister of Housing and Urban Development, Arc. Ahmed Musa Dangiwa, to the groundbreaking ceremony for the 250-housing unit Renewed Hope Estate.


This project is part of a Nationwide Renewed Hope Cities and Estates Programme of the Ministry, which His Excellency President Bola Ahmed Tinubu officially launched earlier this year in Abuja, under which we plan to deliver 50,000 housing units in phase one.


Our broad aim through this programme is to TURN THE COUNTRY INTO A HUGE CONSTRUCTION SITE, unlock the power of the housing sector to create jobs, boost economic development, and help achieve Mr. President's goal to build a $1 trillion economy. 


This 250-housing units Estate project will create job opportunities during the construction phase for masons, bricklayers, plumbers, electricians, traders, and suppliers of building materials.


We look forward to quality construction work and a timely completion of the project.


Your Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen, I want to thank you for sparing time out of your very busy schedules to be here with us today.


Thank you, and God bless.

Welcome Remarks By The Hon. Minister Of State For Housing And Urban Development, Alh....

Welcome Remarks by The Hon. Minister of State For Housing and Urban Development, Alh. Tijjani Gwarzo At The Official Groundbreaking Ceremony of The 250-Housing Units Renewed Hope Estate in Nassarawa State on Saturday 6th  July 2024



Your Excellencies, Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen. 


I want to begin my remarks by specially welcoming the Executive Governor of Osun State, His Excellency, Engr. Abdullahi Sule We are happy to have you here with us today.


It is indeed my pleasure to welcome you all, on behalf of the Honourable Minister of Housing and Urban Development, Arc. Ahmed Musa Dangiwa, to the groundbreaking ceremony for the 250-housing unit Renewed Hope Estate.


This project is part of a Nationwide Renewed Hope Cities and Estates Programme of the Ministry, which His Excellency President Bola Ahmed Tinubu officially launched earlier this year in Abuja, under which we plan to deliver 50,000 housing units in phase one.


Our broad aim through this programme is to TURN THE COUNTRY INTO A HUGE CONSTRUCTION SITE, unlock the power of the housing sector to create jobs, boost economic development, and help achieve Mr. President's goal to build a $1 trillion economy. 


This 250-housing units Estate project will create job opportunities during the construction phase for masons, bricklayers, plumbers, electricians, traders, and suppliers of building materials.


We look forward to quality construction work and a timely completion of the project.


Your Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen, I want to thank you for sparing time out of your very busy schedules to be here with us today.

Thank you, and God bless.

Welcome Remarks By The Hon. Pemanent Secretary Represented By Qs. Sameul Temitope Pem...

Welcome Remarks By The Hon. Pemanent Secretary represented by Qs. Sameul Temitope Pemi at The Official Groundbreaking Ceremony of The 250-Housing Units Renewed Hope Estate in Benue on Friday 5th July 2024


Your Excellencies, Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen. 


I want to begin my remarks by specially welcoming the Executive Governor of Benue State, His Excellency, Rev. Fr. Hycinth Alia. We are happy to have you here with us today.


It is indeed my pleasure to welcome you all, on behalf of the Honourable Minister of Housing and Urban Development, Arc. Ahmed Musa Dangiwa, to the groundbreaking ceremony for the 250-housing unit Renewed Hope Estate.


This project is part of a Nationwide Renewed Hope Cities and Estates Programme of the Ministry, which His Excellency President Bola Ahmed Tinubu officially launched earlier this year in Abuja, under which we plan to deliver 50,000 housing units in phase one.


Our broad aim through this programme is to TURN THE COUNTRY INTO A HUGE CONSTRUCTION SITE, unlock the power of the housing sector to create jobs, boost economic development, and help achieve Mr. President's goal to build a $1 trillion economy. 


This 250-housing units Estate project will create job opportunities during the construction phase for masons, bricklayers, plumbers, electricians, traders, and suppliers of building materials.


We look forward to quality construction work and a timely completion of the project.


Your Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen, I want to thank you for sparing time out of your very busy schedules to be here with us today.


Thank you, and God bless.




I am pleased to welcome you to this very important occasion which marks a pivotal moment in institutionalising Performance Management System in the Federal Ministry of Housing and Urban Development in line with the Presidential Mandate and directive from the Office of the Head of the Civil Service of the Federation.

2.       Performance Management System is one of the key pillars of the ongoing reform in the Federal Civil Service. Today the Performance Contracts will be signed between the Permanent Secretary and Directors and Heads of Departments of the Ministry. This is also in alignment with the national priorities and presidential deliverables. It is also to ensure that this Ministry remains among the leading Ministries, Extra-Ministerial Departments and Agencies (MDAs) in the implementation of the ongoing reforms in the Service. I am happy the signing of performance contracts with our directors is happening today. It is a clear testament to our collective commitment to excellence and efficiency. I must express my pleasure to the Director, Planning, Research and Statistics (PRS) and members of the Technical Team who have been working back-to-back for several weeks to ensure that this occasion becomes a reality.  This is a demonstration of excellence and I will urge you to remain consistent in this professional posture and dedication to duty.   

3.       Under the visionary leadership of His Excellency, President Bola Ahmed Tinubu, GCFR, this Ministry has been given a mandate to drive Pillar 5 of the Presidential Priorities focusing on Transportation and Infrastructure as enablers of growth”. This is one of the three components that formed the framework for the development of the Ministerial Performance Management System Plan (MPMS) through which the departmental Performance Contracts were developed. Other components are the Operational Priorities of the Ministry which are derived from the National Development Plan; and, the Service-wide Priorities that comprised critical pillars and initiatives from the Federal Civil Service Strategies and Implementation Plan 2021-2025 (FCSSIP25). 

4.       Through several ambitious projects across the country, we are not just building houses; we are laying the foundations for sustainable communities, fostering social cohesion, and stimulating economic activity. These initiatives are not mere constructions from bricks and mortar; they represent a commitment to improving the quality of life for every Nigerian, ensuring access to affordable housing and essential amenities. These critical activities/projects have developed into Key Performance Indicators, Targets and Milestones which will now form the basis of your appraisal as your presence in the Ministry is to help the Ministry to deliver on its mandates in order to solve problems in the housing sector in Nigeria. Your performance translates into the Ministry’s performance. If you perform well, the Ministry will perform well. If you contribute your quota based on the weights attributed to your departments excellently well, you are boosting the Ministry’s chances to do well and serve Nigerians better. You and your departments should not be the reason why the Ministry will score low and fail to deliver on critical projects meant to address critical issues that can enable growth of other sectors of the economy. We are an important Ministry in the current dispensation. What you do in your departments are sources of enablers for growth of the country.  

5.       I wish to reiterate that today’s signing of performance contracts with you underscores our collective determination to deliver results that align with the aspirations of our people. Each director here plays a pivotal role in driving forward the reform agenda of the Federal Civil Service and priorities of government. Your dedication are crucial in ensuring the successful implementation of the targets and milestones in your contracts, and I shall be ready to provide necessary support you may need in my role as the Permanent Secretary.

6.       These performance contracts are more than administrative formalities; they are blueprints for action. They outline specific objectives, timelines, and measurable outcomes that will guide our efforts in the coming months. By holding ourselves accountable, we demonstrate our commitment to transparency and effectiveness in governance.

7.       As we embark on this journey, let us harness the transformative power of infrastructure to create sustainable growth and prosperity across our nation. Together, we can build a civil service that not only meets but exceeds the expectations of our citizens.

8.       In closing, I extend my heartfelt appreciation to each of you for your unwavering commitment to this exercise. We sign these performance contracts with a renewed sense of purpose and optimism, knowing that by working together, we can build a brighter future for Nigeria. I will expect you to immediately commence the process of cascading signing of performance contracts with subordinates and ensure that it is done within the next two weeks.

Thank you.


Welcome Remarks By The Hon. Minister Of State For Housing And Urban Development, Alh....

Welcome Remarks By The Hon. Minister Of State For Housing And Urban Development, Alh. Tijjani Gwarzo At The Official Groundbreaking Ceremony Of The 250-Housing Units Renewed Hope Estate In Osun On Tuesday 2nd July 2024



Your Excellencies, Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen. 


I want to begin my remarks by specially welcoming the Executive Governor of Osun State, His Excellency, Sen. Ademola Adeleke. We are happy to have you here with us today.


It is indeed my pleasure to welcome you all, on behalf of the Honourable Minister of Housing and Urban Development, Arc. Ahmed Musa Dangiwa, to the groundbreaking ceremony for the 250-housing unit Renewed Hope Estate.


This project is part of a Nationwide Renewed Hope Cities and Estates Programme of the Ministry, which His Excellency President Bola Ahmed Tinubu officially launched earlier this year in Abuja, under which we plan to deliver 50,000 housing units in phase one.


Our broad aim through this programme is to TURN THE COUNTRY INTO A HUGE CONSTRUCTION SITE, unlock the power of the housing sector to create jobs, boost economic development, and help achieve Mr. President's goal to build a $1 trillion economy. 


This 250-housing units Estate project will create job opportunities during the construction phase for masons, bricklayers, plumbers, electricians, traders, and suppliers of building materials.


We look forward to quality construction work and a timely completion of the project.


Your Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen, I want to thank you for sparing time out of your very busy schedules to be here with us today.


Thank you, and God bless.


Renewed Hope Housing Agenda Not Tolerant Of Abandoned Work – Dangiwa...

Renewed Hope Housing Agenda Not Tolerant of Abandoned Work – Dangiwa


*  Says, if you collect our money you must do the work 

*  Ministry desperate to give Nigerians value for money  


Minister of Housing and Urban Development, Arc Ahmed Musa Dangiwa has emphatically declared that the Renewed Hope Housing Agenda of President Bola Ahmed Tinubu would not tolerate abandoned work. 


He also strongly warned that any contractor that collects government's money for housing project must do the work,  emphasizing that the Ministry was desperate to give Nigerians value for money.


Dangiwa sounded this warning on Saturday,  June 29th, 2024 in Warri, Delta State, during the foundation laying of 250 Renewed Hope Housing Estate, for the State.


Delta State is the ninth state in the series so far to have the groudbreaking among the thirteenth states scheduled under phase one of the renewed hope housing project, across the nation.


The thirteenth states under phase one based on available land provided are; Kano,  Katsina,  Sokoto (north- west); Gombe and Yobe (north-east); Ebonyi and Abia (south- east), Akwa-Ibom and Delta (south-south); Osun and Oyo (south-west) and Benue and Nassarawa (north-central) 


The Federal Government intends to deliver 50,000 houses under phase one, and the funding comes from the N50 Billion 2023 Supplementary budget; The remaining States not captured under the supplementary budget would be covered under the 2024 budget of the Ministry if they provided the land at no cost to ease affordability.


Dangiwa described the housing construction as a key component towards stimulating inclusive growth and helping to attain President Bola Ahmed Tinubu’s mission of lifting 100 million Nigerians out of poverty.


Delta State Governor, Rt Hon (Elder) Sheriff Oborevwori was represented at the groundbreaking event by his Deputy. Sir Monday Onyeme.


The Governor said "Delta State is happy to partner with the Federal Government through the Federal Ministry of Housing and Urban Development in the Renewed Hope Housing Programme".


He expressed gratefulness to the federal government for including Delta State among the first thirteen states under phase one,  explaining that the state had provided free land for the project.


The Governor also disclosed that the state Government had granted waiver on certificate of occupancy and payment of ground rent in order to enhance affordability of the houses to the citizens.


The Renewed Hope Cities and Estates Programme was launched by President Bola Ahmed Tinubu with a groundbreaking for 3,112 Renewed Hope City in Karsana, Abuja in February 2024. 


Under the programme, government intends to build seven (7) new cities,  one each for a geo-political zone and the Federal Capital Territory, while the Estate will be in the remaining States across the federation. 


“I want to charge the developers of all the Renewed Hope Cities and Estates across the States to ensure that they build according to specifications. I want to emphasize in very strong terms that we will not tolerate substandard work from any developer, and we will explore all necessary legal means, including the EFCC, to ensure that they deliver as per the contract. If you collect government money, you must do the work" he Said.


Similarly, the minister charged the developers to adhere to the timeline and finish within the stipulated three months timeline so that the process for indigenes to purchase the houses and move in, can begin. 

Housing Construction Key To Stimulating Inclusive Growth, Lifting 100 Million Nigeria...

Housing Construction Key to Stimulating Inclusive Growth, Lifting 100 Million Nigerians Out of Poverty – Dangiwa

*  Flags off 250-Housing Unit Renewed Hope Estate in Akwa Ibom

*  Says the housing market has potential to unlock $1 Trillion Economy

Minister of Housing and Urban Development, Arc. Ahmed Musa Dangiwa has described housing construction as a key component towards stimulating inclusive growth and helping to attain President Bola Ahmed Tinubu’s mission of lifting 100 million Nigerians out of poverty.

Speaking during the groundbreaking for 250-housing unit Renewed Hope Estate in Akwa Ibom on Friday 28th June 2024, Arc. Dangiwa noted that the housing sector has the potential to trigger a $1 Trillion economy going by the vigour and seriousness with which the president is addressing the housing challenge in the country.

The project, which is part of the Renewed Hope Cities and Estates programme launched by Mr. President with a groundbreaking for 3,112 Renewed Hope City in Karsana, Abuja in February 2024, has further covered states like Kano, with 500-unit Renewed Hope City; and Katsina, Gombe, Yobe, and Sokoto, each with a 250-unit Renewed Hope Estate in the first round of groundbreaking.

The second leg of groundbreaking, which began in Ebonyi on Wednesday 26th June and moved to Abia on Thursday 27th June, and now in Akwa Ibom, will cover eight states in all, including Delta, Osun, Oyo, Benue, and Nasarawa states for 250 housing units in each of these states.

“Our plan is to turn Nigeria into a huge construction site. This estate, like the others, comprises 50 units of 1-bedroom semi-detached bungalows, 150 units of 2-bedroom semi-detached bungalows, and 50 units of 3-bedroom semi-detached bungalows.

“We have designed these housing units in a way that makes them affordable for people to acquire by using organic designs to allow for future expansion as the income of beneficiaries increases. This means that a 1-bedroom unit can be expanded to 2 bedrooms, and a 2-bedroom unit can also be expanded to 3 bedrooms as the owner’s financial situation improves or their family grows,” he said.

Dangiwa underscored the huge economic benefit of housing construction, noting that it goes beyond improving the economies of local communities.

“Statistics show that the construction of one housing unit creates an average of 25 direct and indirect jobs. So, for these 250 housing units in Akwa Ibom, we hope to create jobs for over 6,500 people in various trades, from professionals like architects, civil engineers, and mechanical engineers to masons, plumbers, tilers, electricians, and laborers. We have seen unskilled workers at sites earning as much as N35,000 per week, at an average of N5,000 per day. This amounts to about N140,000 per month.

“This is in addition to the economic activities, including those selling food, supplying blocks, and providing building materials. The value chain effect of construction work on this site is significant and creates a positive economic impact,” he said.

While he thanked the Governor of Akwa Ibom state, Pastor Umo Eno for providing the land for the project at no cost, he urged other state governors to take a cue from the twelve states so far captured under the N50 Billion 2023 Supplementary Budget, assuring them that their states will be included in the 2024 Budget of the Ministry as the Ministry plans to build Renewed Hope Estates in all the states.

“I want to charge the developers, Messrs Trust Global Ltd, Springwell Intercontinental Resources, and Hyousungs Ltd, to ensure that they build according to specifications. I want to emphasize in very strong terms that we will not tolerate substandard work from any developer, and we will explore all necessary legal means, including EFCC, to ensure that they deliver as per the contract. If you collect government money, you must do the work.

“We also want the developers to adhere to the timeline and finish within three months so that we can begin the process of getting Akwa Ibom indigenes to purchase and move in,” he said.

Remarks By The Hon. Minister Of Housing And Urban Development, Arc. Ahmed Musa Dangiw...

Remarks by The Hon. Minister of Housing and Urban Development, Arc. Ahmed Musa Dangiwa, at The Ground-Breaking Ceremony For 250-Housing Unit Renewed Hope Estate in Akwa Ibom on Friday, June 28, 2024


Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen,

First, I would like to thank His Excellency, the Executive Governor of Akwa Ibom State, Pastor Umo Eno, for honoring our invitation to the groundbreaking of a 250-housing unit Renewed Hope Estate here in the state’s capital.

Today’s ceremony is a continuation of the nationwide groundbreaking exercise for housing projects under the Renewed Hope Cities and Estates Programme of the Federal Ministry of Housing and Urban Development, which His Excellency, President Bola Ahmed Tinubu, GCFR, launched in February with the commissioning of a 3,112-housing unit in Karsana, Abuja.

Under Phase One of this programme, we plan to deliver a total of 50,000 housing units across Nigeria. This includes 7 Renewed Hope Cities that will have between 500 and 1,000 housing units per site in each of the six geopolitical zones in the country and the FCT, while the Renewed Hope Estates will have 250 units per site in the remaining thirty (30) states.

With this housing programme, we plan to unlock the massive potential of housing development to create jobs, uplift lives, and boost economic development. This is in line with the Renewed Hope Agenda of Mr. President to STIMULATE INCLUSIVE GROWTH, LIFT 100 MILLION NIGERIANS OUT OF POVERTY, AND BUILD A $1 TRILLION ECONOMY.

As you may recall, last month, following the presidential flag-off of the programme in Abuja, we embarked on the first leg of this exercise with the groundbreaking of 1,500 housing units in the northern part of Nigeria. This includes 250-housing unit Renewed Hope Estates, one each in Katsina, Yobe, Gombe, and Sokoto, and a 500-housing unit Renewed Hope City in Kano. Work is currently ongoing at each of these sites, and our plan is to have all of them completed within the next couple of months and made available to Nigerians in line with Mr. President’s desire to provide quality housing for all Nigerians. UNDER THE RENEWED HOPE AGENDA, WE ARE IMPLEMENTING A ZERO TOLERANCE FOR UNCOMPLETED PROJECTS.

This second leg will see us break ground for a total of 2,000 Renewed Hope Housing Units across eight (8) states in the South and North Central. We started on Wednesday with 250 units in Ebonyi; yesterday, we were in Abia for another 250 units, and today we are happy to be here in Akwa Ibom to flag off another 250 units. From here, we will proceed to Delta, Osun, Oyo, Benue, and Nasarawa states for 250 housing units in each of these states. Our plan is to turn Nigeria into a huge construction site.

This estate comprises 50 units of 1-bedroom semi-detached bungalows, 150 units of 2-bedroom semi-detached bungalows, and 50 units of 3-bedroom semi-detached bungalows.

We have designed these housing units in a way that makes them affordable for people to acquire by using organic designs to allow for future expansion as the income of beneficiaries increases. This means that a 1-bedroom unit can be expanded to 2 bedrooms, and a 2-bedroom unit can also be expanded to 3 bedrooms as the owner’s financial situation improves or their family grows.

As we break ground on this project, I want to charge the developers, Messrs Trust Global Ltd, Springwell Intercontinental Resources, and Hyousungs Ltd, to ensure that they build according to specifications. I want to emphasize in very strong terms that we will not tolerate substandard work from any developer, and we will explore all necessary legal means, including EFCC, to ensure that they deliver as per the contract. If you collect government money, you must do the work.

We also want the developers to adhere to the timeline and finish within three months so that we can begin the process of getting Akwa Ibom indigenes to purchase and move in.

To ensure affordability, we have created different options to enable everyone who has a source of income and livelihood to own these homes when they are completed. These include single-digit mortgage loans that beneficiaries can repay over 30 years, rent-to-own schemes provided by the Federal Mortgage Bank of Nigeria, and outright purchase options for those who can afford to pay upfront.

Statistics show that the construction of one housing unit creates an average of 25 direct and indirect jobs. So, for these 250 housing units in Akwa Ibom, we hope to create jobs for over 6,500 people in various trades, from professionals like architects, civil engineers, and mechanical engineers to masons, plumbers, tilers, electricians, and laborers. We have seen unskilled workers at sites earning as much as N35,000 per week, at an average of N5,000 per day. This amounts to about N140,000 per month.

This is in addition to the economic activities, including those selling food, supplying blocks, and providing building materials. The value chain effect of construction work on this site is significant and creates a positive economic impact.

I want to state that under the Renewed Hope Agenda of His Excellency, President Bola Ahmed Tinubu, GCFR, we at the Federal Ministry of Housing and Urban Development are very particular about giving Nigerians value for money. We are diligently funding these projects from the N50 billion 2023 Supplementary Budget that Mr. President approved for the Ministry to ensure sustainability, quality, and geographic spread.

It is important to say that the provision of land in a good location and at no cost is a key condition for siting Renewed Hope Housing Projects. The twelve states covered under this 2023 supplementary budget are those that first provided land. I want to assure that states that have not been covered will be included in the Ministry’s 2024 Budget on a first-come, first-served basis, on the condition that they provide land at no cost to enhance affordability.

At this juncture, I want to appreciate and thank His Excellency, the Executive Governor of Akwa Ibom State, Pastor Umo Eno, for promptly granting our request for the provision of land at no cost. This singular action has helped us reduce as much as 30% of the cost of the units in this estate for the benefit of potential homeowners. This is a dividend of responsible governance, and I applaud Your Excellency for this.

Before I close my remarks, I want to thank and appreciate our President for providing the vision and the political will necessary for us to make a difference in terms of delivering decent and quality housing to Nigerians. The groundbreaking ceremonies for these projects demonstrate that Mr. President and indeed the Federal Government of Nigeria are committed to fulfilling promises and responsibilities to all Nigerians.

Long live Akwa Ibom and His Excellency, the Executive Governor.
Long live the Federal Republic of Nigeria.
Long live Mr. President.


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Renewed Hope Estate: Dangiwa Tasks Developers On Quality Execution Of Project In Ebon...

Renewed Hope Estate: Dangiwa Tasks Developers on Quality Execution of Project in Ebonyi

*  Project to help Mr President 's goal to build 1 trillion dollar economy  - Gwarzo

*   It's FG's remarkable journey to provide affordable housing for Nigerians  - Ebonyi Governor

Minister of Housing and Urban Development,  Arc Ahmed Dangiwa,  has charged developers handling the Renewed Hope Housing Estate in Ebonyi state to adhere to standard and specifications to deliver quality houses.

Dangiwa issued the strong warning in Abakaliki, Ebonyi state during the groundbreaking of 250 housing units in the state under the Renewed Hope Cities and Estates Programme, Wednesday,  June 26th, 2024.

He told the developers handling all Renewed Hope Cities and Estates projects across the country, that the Ministry will not tolerate substandard work at all the sites and contractors must build in line with the terms and approved standards for the benefits of Nigerians.

Earlier in  welcome address, Minister of State, Abdullahi Tijjani Gwarzo whose address was read by Director Engineering Services. Engr Nwufo stated that, the Federal government plan to deliver 50,000 housing units under phase 1 and part of it's broad aim is to help Mr President's goal to build a 1 trillion dollar economy.

The Ebonyi State Governor,  Francis Nwifuru Ogbonna, represented by Deputy Governor,  Princess Partricia Obila, described the project a remarkable journey by the Federal Government to provide affordable housing for Nigerians

The flag-off in Ebonyi state marks the first  of eight (8) states in the second leg of ground-breaking to be performed for the Renewed Hope Cities and Estates Programme launched by President Bola Ahmed Tinubu in February 2024. The exercise will  cover six southern states and two in the North-Central region of the country.

The first leg of the exercise began with the groundbreaking of 1,500 housing units in the northern part of Nigeria, comprising 250-housing unit Renewed Hope Estates, in Katsina, Yobe, Gombe and Sokoto and a 500-housing unit Renewed Hope City in Kano.

Arc Dangiwa stated “Work is currently ongoing at each of these sites, and our plan is to have them all completed within the next couple of months and made available to Nigerians in line with Mr. President’s desire to provide quality housing for all Nigerians" 

Accordingly,  he explained “this second leg will see us break ground for a total of 2,000 Renewed Hope Housing Units in eight (8) states in the South and North Central of our country. This includes 250 housing units, each, starting in Ebonyi today, followed by Abia, Akwa Ibom, Delta, Osun, Oyo, Benue and Nasarawa States,”

The Renewed Hope Estate to be developed by Jephthah Global Investments Ltd, Proportion Construction Works Nigeria Limited, Ideal Shelters Limited and KLYN Construction Works Ltd, will have 50 units of 1-bedroom semi-detached bungalows, 150 units of 2-bedroom semi-detached bungalows, and 50 units of 3-bedroom semi-detached bungalows.

He said, “we have designed these housing units in a way that makes it easy and affordable for people to offtake by using organic designs to allow for future expansion as the income of beneficiaries increases. What this means is that 1-bedroom can be expanded to 2 bedrooms and 2-bedrooms can also be expanded to 3 bedrooms as the owner’s financial situation improves or his family grows.

The minister, while urging the developers to work within the stipulated time frame of three months, emphasized the economic component of housing construction and its potential to develop the economy.

“Statistics show that construction of one housing unit creates an average of 25 direct and indirect jobs. So, for these 250 housing units that we are building here in Ebonyi, we aim to create jobs for over 6,500 people in various trades. From professionals like architects, civil engineers, mechanical engineers to masons, plumbers, tilers, electricians etc. This is besides the economic activities involving persons selling food, supplying blocks, building materials and the likes. The value chain effect of construction work on this site is big and creates positive economic impact,” he said.

Dangiwa thanked the Governor of Ebonyi State, Rt. Hon. Francis Ogbonna Nwifuru for his prompt approval and grant of land for the project at no cost, noting that his action has helped to reduce as much as 30% of the cost of the units in the Estate for the benefit of potential homeowners. “This is a dividend of responsible governance and I applaud Your Excellency for this,” he said.

The Ebonyi Governor was also full of commendation for President Bola Ahmed Tinubu for creating a separate ministry for housing to ensure effectiveness in housing delivery, saying that Ebonyi state proudly support the initiative.

Similarly, minister Dangiwa also noted that  the renewed hope estate is being implemented under the N50 billion 2023 supplementary budget, and called on other state governors to also provide land for Renewed Hope Estates Project to be built in their states as provided for in the 2024 budget.

HCSF, Folasade Honours Abimbola, Head PPP Housing Ministry. ...

HCSF, Folasade Honours Abimbola, Head PPP Housing Ministry. 


The Office of the Head of Civil Service of the Federation (OHCSF) has given an award of honour to the Head of the Public Private Partnership Unit of the Federal Ministry of Housing and Urban Development, Arc. Abimbola Adenike Asein, for her dedication and excellent contributions to the mandate of the Housing Ministry.


The honour was in line with the Service -Wide Awards and Recognition, aimed at rewarding and recognizing outstanding Civil Servants in the Federal Civil Service.


The award which include cash was presented to Arc. Asein by the Head of Civil Service of the Federation, Dr. Folasade Yemi-Esan, CFR alongside the Chairman, AIG- Imoukhuede foundation Aigboje AIG- Imoukhuede CFR, and the Minister of youth development, Dr. Jamila Bio Ibrahim, on Saturday during the Award and Gala Night of the 2024 Civil Service Week, in Abuja.


This year’s Civil Service Week commenced on Friday, 14th June, 2024, with the theme “Educate an African Fit for the 21st Century: Building Resilient Education Systems for Increased Access to Inclusive, Lifelong, Quality and Relevant Learning in Africa”.


Arc. Abimbola Asein was particularly awarded for working and implementing several federal government housing and works programs nationwide, including affordable housing, as well as the highways developments and management initiatives in Nigeria.


The Secretary to the government of the federation, Dr. George Akume, represented President Bola Ahmed Tinubu at the occasion 


The President congratulated all the awardees, reminding them that to whom much is given, much is also expected. 


He said, “As you are honoured today, remember that with recognition comes responsibility. Your continued dedication is essential as we strive for excellence in service to our nation”.


In her address, the Head of Civil Service of the federation Dr. Folasade Yemi-Esan,  informed that Ministries Departments and Agencies were requested by the Standing Service-Wide Awards Selection Committee (SWASCo), to forward nominations based on a set of criteria and weightings provided in the approved Rewards and Recognition Scheme Guidelines, in order to ensure a transparent and credible selection process; 

and according to her, the committee by its mandates screened nominations made by the Ministerial Selection Committee of MDAs, and selected deserving officers for the various categories of awards.


“Nominations were received from Forty-Six (46) Ministries and Extra-Ministerial Departments, out of which Six (6)
Ministries were disqualified for lack of Citation which was the basis for assessment of nominees and Six (6) Ministries submitted double nominations, hence the total number of nominations received and assessed was Fifty –Two (52) nominees”, she explained.


Dr. Yemi-Esan also disclosed that Thirty-Nine Nominees scored above the cut-off mark and were selected for the 2024 Edition of the Federal Civil Service Rewards and Recognition, after a rigorous selection process in line with the Service-Wide Criteria and Weighting.


She announced that the categories of awards for presentation at the 2024 Edition of the Service-Wide Rewards and Recognition were: Presidential Distinguished Public Service Career Award, Presidential Civil Service Merit Award, Head of the Civil Service of the Federation Award, The Public Service Excellence Award, 2024 Sports Achievement Award; and an award for three Ministries who have demonstrated exceptional commitment to Work-Life balance of their staff.


She further stated that the OHCSF enjoyed collaboration with stakeholders and partners from both public and private sectors to scale up the level of intervention of the Reward and Recognition Scheme, aimed at enhancing value proposition for civil servants; adding that a cash gift of N500,000 would be given to each of the best performing civil servants from the MDAs, as facilitated by Private Sector Partners, Aig-Imoukhuede Foundation.


In attendance at the award night were some ministers of the federal republic of Nigeria, several permanent secretaries, representatives of the workers’ Unions (NLC and TUC), representatives of the Consortium of Insurance Companies, alongside other dignitaries.

Housing Ministry, World Bank Collaborate On National Land Documentation, Titling Prog...

Housing Ministry, World Bank Collaborate on National Land Documentation, Titling Programme.


*  move can unlock $300 Billion in Dead Capital

* Sues for establishment of National Land Commission to operationalise Land Use Act


The Federal Ministry of Housing and Urban Development has announced plans to partner with the World Bank Group towards conducting a National Land Documentation and Titling Programme in the country.


Speaking at the Workshop Nigerian Livable Cities organised by the Ministry in collaboration with the World Bank, Minister of Housing and Urban Development, Arc. Ahmed Musa Dangiwa, said the move has become necessary to explore the potential of land as an economic asset which is yet to be fully tapped by the country.


The event, held at the Abuja Continental Hotel, was aimed at fostering understanding and mapping out modalities towards the successful implementation of the World Bank’s Urban Livability and Mobility programme in Nigeria.


 "It is a comprehensive initiative that encompasses sub-programs that are very important to us. This includes housing and land management, urban services delivery, climate change action, urban management and finance, and transportation," Dangiwa noted.


In the area of land, he deferred to statistics which show that less than 10% of land in Nigeria is registered and has titles. "As a result, landowners cannot easily leverage land as an economic asset. This is sad and unfortunate. As part of our land reforms we are exploring a partnership with the World Bank towards the implementation of a National Land Registration and Titling Programme.


"Through this programme, we aim to partner with State Governments towards improving land formalisation from less than 10% to 50% in the next ten years. This is critical to unlocking over $300bn in dead capital. We have already worked on a draft framework for the programme and I have directed the Ministry’s focal persons and Consultant to share with the World Bank Group so we can begin the process towards adoption and implementation," he said.


He added that the programme is an  important component in the Ministry's land reforms strategy and will complement the Ministry’s plans to set up a National Land Commission to operationalize the Land Use Act.


The Nigeria Urban Livability and Mobility Programmatic Analytics and Advisory Services (ULM PASA) was launched by the World Bank to provide the Federal and State governments with technical support to improve the design and implementation of development policies and programs in selected Nigerian cities to enhance their livability, competitiveness and resilience.


To this end, the Minister said "the workshop provides a platform to share knowledge, exchange ideas, and forge partnerships that will propel our cities towards sustainable, inclusive and resilient growth. We must harness the power of collaboration and leverage the expertise and experience of the World Bank to develop innovative solutions that address the multifaceted problems facing our cities."


Dangiwa took out time to reel out the efforts of the Federal Government towards developing livable and sustainable cities, including the Renewed Hope Cities and Estates programme which aims to deliver 50,000 housing units in the first phase. 


He explained "Our cities, once strongholds of economic growth and social progress, are now grappling with an array of complexities: rapid urbanization, infrastructure deficits, environmental degradation, climate change, housing deficit, poor service delivery and social inequality. These challenges, while daunting, also present immense opportunities for innovation and transformation.


Accordingly, the Minister stated also that establishing new cities and estates provides an opportunity for deliberate planning and designing of urban spaces that are not only beautiful in addition to landscape, but also promote efficiency and sustainability.


Stating further " This is more so given the climate challenges that we face in ensuring that the housing sector contributes its quota to helping our country meet its green gas reduction targets. At the Ministry, we believe that implementing green building techniques, efficient waste management, and creating green spaces can contribute to a healthier and more environmentally friendly urban landscape”.


The World Bank Task Team Leader, Fuad Malkawi, presented the preliminary findings of the World Bank analytical review of Nigerian cities which he said were at the risk of disaster exposure due to inadequate infrastructure and basic social services as a result of rapid growth.


The workshop had two panel discussion sessions on; key priorities of state governments to improve Urban Livability and on Institutional Constrains to Improving Urban Livability.

Participants at the workshop include states' commissioners and senior government officials responsible for lands, environment and housing matters.


States that attended the workshop were; Anambra, Abia, Edo, Kaduna. Kano,  Lagos, Oyo, Rivers and Plateau 


The main objective was helping Nigerian cities to become more livable through collaborative deliberation on key urban policies, challenges, and institutional barriers hindering the effective implementation of urban development programs at the state and city levels.


Recommendations presented at the end of the workshop include; addressing the challenges of inaccurate data, reducing pressure on existing services due to rapid urban growth through adequate urban planning, controlling development along flood plains, developing programmes in line with government policies to drive urban livability, investing in climate smart infrastructure and services through prioritization process, and facilitating the review of the Land Use Act 1978 (1999 as amended).


Others are the development of a Drainage Master Plan for flood control, and a National Urban Programme to operationalize the National Urban Development Policy, the creation of City Administrations by State Governments backed by political will and Legal framework and improving their roles in service delivery, as well as integrating disaster resilience and early warning systems with State development plans, among others.

Ministry Of Finance Incorporated Explores Collaborative Areas With Housing Ministry...

Ministry of Finance Incorporated Explores Collaborative Areas with Housing Ministry


*  We have Structures on ground to leverage on -  Dangiwa

*      FMHUD, Key Collaborator -  MOFI


Minister of Housing and Urban Development Arc Ahmed Dangiwa has told the Ministry of Finance incorporated (MOFI) that housing ministry has so many existing structures on ground for MOFI to leverage on, in its quest to carry out its supervising function of government enterprises.


Dangiwa stated this when he received members of the Ministry of Finance Incorporated (MOFI) on a visit to his ministry and presented a strategic partnership proposal to the ministry 


MOFI, is a subsidiary under the office of the Accountant General of the Federation, responsible for supervising assets and investments of the federal government owned enterprises, interests, estates and rights. 


The Minister told MOFI that, the Federal Housing Authority (FHA), an Agency under the Housing Ministry has branches in all the 36 States of the federation, including  lands with various mortgages to cater for the housing needs of Nigerians, urging MOFI to work with FHA regardless of their developers to create a healthy competition.


He said "most of the federal government assets are being managed by the ministry of housing and urban development.


" One of the deliverables of the ministry under this administration is reforming the Housing Institutions and the ministry is doing everything possible to recapitalize the Federal Mortgage Bank. FHA has been partially commercialized to invest in the capital market by constructing and selling  houses", he stated 


In the same vein, Dangiwa disclosed that, the Ministry plans to generate Two Trillion Real Estate Investment, which is in line with President Bola Ahmed Tinubu 's Renewed Hope agenda and inorder to make this a reality, he added that the ministry decided to partner with Public Private Partnership which is the biggest aspect of the funding structure. 

Speaking earlier, the Chief Executive Officer and managing Director of the MOFI, Dr. Armstrong Ume Takang, told the Minister that the essence of their visit was to support what Federal Ministry of Housing and Urban Development is doing to use government platform to  mobilize funds. 


He explained that proper Titles to Assets especially landed properties can unlock capital to do other things, adding that most properties both in rural and urban areas don't have proper titles including  government properties.


The MD described the ministry of housing as a key collaborator in achieving their primary objective of long term, low- cost mortgage financing at scale for Nigerians.


He stated that asset optimization in line with National Housing and Urban Development goals, facilitates capital base for housing and urban development renewal and ensures seemless integration between asset management and urban planning initiatives.


Dr. Takang further disclosed that MOFI's aim is to create jobs through construction and urban development projects, skills development programs in real estate and property management, as well as affordable housing initiatives for low and middle income families.


" There should be a Mechanism where people can find affordable loans with long term payment plan of monthly payment, in that case, the demand will be high and when demands are high you are creating more jobs for developers, not only meeting the demands but also improving Urban development", he explained 


"We need more money to build houses, we need more money to provide mortgages, we need to be creative on how we source the money", He added.


Nigeria Needs 550,000 Housing Units Annualy To Curb Housing Deficit - Dangiwa ...

Nigeria Needs 550,000 Housing Units Annualy To Curb Housing Deficit - Dangiwa 


*  Ministry ready for partnership with UK Build and Construction Trade Mission


Minister of Housing and Urban Development, Arc. Ahmed Musa Dangiwa has expressed optimism that the huge housing deficit facing the country can be brought to a halt if a total of 550,000 housing units are built annually at the cost of N5.5Trillion, over the next ten years.


Dangiwa made this expression in a meeting with delegates of the UK Build and Construction West Africa Trade Mission, at the Ministry’s Headquarters in Abuja.


While noting that Nigeria has a 200 million population with an annual growth rate of 2.5 percent per annum, the Minister said that the current state of housing in the country was far from where it ought to be, giving the dual challenge of inadequate housing supply to meet population growth and sub-standard housing which does not meet the conditions of Habitability, Safety & Security, Comfort, Sanitation, Accessibility, Infrastructure, Social Amenities, and Socio-Cultural adequacy as set out by the United Nations (UN) and World Health Organization (WHO).


He informed the team of delegates that the Ministry was combining urban renewal and building of new houses as part of strategies to address the problem of substandard houses, as the findings by a recent survey by PwC housing industry shows that 75% (i.e. 31.6 million) of the 42million housing units in Nigeria were sub-standard.


The Minister enumerated the action plans the Ministry has taken since his administration in rewriting the housing and urban landscape to include; the inauguration of Four Housing Reform Task Teams namely: Housing Institutions Reform Task Team, the Multi-Agency Project Delivery Task Team, the Land Reforms Task Team and the Building Materials Manufacturing Hubs Task Team, “All the housing sector reform task teams are in the process of finalizing their reports”, he stated 


Arc. Dangiwa reviewed the implementation of the Renewed Hope Cities and Estates Programme launched by President Bola Ahmed Tinubu, GCFR, in February with the groundbreaking of a 3,112-housing unit in Karsana, Abuja.


He explained that phase one of the program aims at 50,000 housing units across Nigeria with the Cities having 1,000 housing units per site in one location in each of the six
geo-political zones in the country and FCT, while the Estates, 250 housing units per site in the remaining thirty (30) States.


“So far, we have done groundbreaking for two Renewed Hope Cities under PPP (FCT and Kano), and Renewed Hope Estates in twelve States (Ebonyi, Abia, Akwa Ibom, Delta, Osun, Benue, Nasarawa, Oyo, Katsina, Yobe, Gombe and Sokoto), making a total of 6,612 homes”, he further explained.


He said the funding for the projects was from a mix of the Ministry’s 2023 Supplementary and 2024 budgetary allocation, the Federal Mortgage Bank of Nigeria (FMBN), and Public Private Partnerships with reputable developers.


Arc. Dangiwa further stated that the programme aims to address social inequality by providing a broad range of affordable ownership options which includes single digit and up to 30-year mortgage loans to be provided by FMBN, Rent-to-Own options and Outright Purchase for high income earners.


“We have also made cross subsidy a key part of our efforts to enhance affordability for low-medium income earners to foster integrated living. Under this concept, the housing units built in the Renewed Hope Cities will be sold at commercial rate while a substantial percentage will be sold at concessionary rates to low and medium income Nigerians”, he added.


The Minister also underscored the economic impact of the Renewed Hope Cities and Estate project growth giving that the construction and development of the new areas will generate employment opportunities, stimulate local businesses, and attract investments.


Accordingly, he informed the team about the launch of an online portal to ease the process of acquiring homes being built under the Renewed Hope Cities and Estates Programme; “The platform has recorded over 28,000 applications since its launch. This is helping us to plan”, he noted.


On the Ministry’s Urban Renewal and Slum Upgrade Programme, Dangiwa was delighted to inform about an expansion, “Under Phase 1 of the Programme, the Ministry has projects ongoing in a total of 26 sites nationwide which includes four (4) sites in each of the six regions of the country totaling twenty four, and two in the Federal Capital Territory (FCT)”.


He said key services of water supply, solar streetlights, rehabilitation of access roads, construction of drainages and waste management and sanitation services amongst others, were provided at the identified sites.


In addition, the Minister revealed that the Ministry was working to establish a National Social Housing Fund (NSHF) that would ensure that all Nigerians, including the no income, vulnerable, and underprivileged have access to decent and dignified accommodation, with potential sources of funding to include Budget Allocation, Executive Order – Tax Incentivs, Private Sector Donations – Telecomms USSD, Development Finance Institutions, amongst others.


Dangiwa as well told the team of delegates about a partnership with the World Bank towards the implementation of a National Land Registration and Titling Programme which aims to partner with State Governments towards improving land formalisation from the current statistics of less than 10% to 50% in the next ten years.


He requested partnership proposals from the UK Build and Construction Trade Mission for the Ministry’s consideration in the areas of the Renewed Hope Cities and Estate, Urban Renewal and Slum Upgrade Programme, as well as the building material hub, in order to work towards delivering on the Renewed Hope Agenda of President Bola Ahmed Tinubu.


Earlier, the spokesperson of the delegates from the UK Build and Construction West Africa Trade Mission, the deputy Country Director, Morayo Adekunle, sought for partnership in investment opportunities, and providing funding solutions for the housing sector in Nigeria. 


The delegates expressed willingness to collaborate and understand areas where the Ministry needs their global experience, through the infrastructure project authority arm of the UK which is the main infrastructure expertise for the UK government, working globally to support governments in capacity buildings, trainings, and preparation of all the projects that needs advisory, on a government to government level.


The team further requested for a working group to be set up at the Ministry for the purpose of engaging and scoping out opportunities, while they provide the needed technical support for the group.




- Your Excellency, Dr. Sania A. Ansari, Chairperson, Ansari Group

- Officials of the Ansari Group

      - Deputy Director, Middle East and Gulf Division,  Amb. Murtala Jimoh.

- The Hon. Minister of State, Federal Ministry of Housing and Urban Development, Alh. Abdullahi Tijjani Gwarzo.

- The Permanent Secretary, Federal Ministry of Housing and Urban Development, Dr. Marcus Ogunbiyi

- Directors, Special Assistants, and other Ministry staff on this Zoom Meeting.

  1. First, I would like to thank Her Excellency, Dr. Sania A. Ansari, and her team for setting up this meeting. We were supposed to have held this meeting in person earlier but it could not take place but I am happy that we are here today to engage.
  2. I want to assure your Excellency, that at the Ministry we consider partnerships, bi/multilateral collaborations, and private sector engagements as key ingredients to success.
  3. This is because we need them to boost our efforts to address Nigeria’s housing and urban challenges, increase access to affordable housing across all income groups, and ensure that the sector maximally contributes to the Renewed Hope Vision of His Excellency, President Bola Ahmed Tinubu to build a $1 trillion economy and lift 100 million Nigerians out of poverty.
  4. We are keen to partner with Ansari Group because of the wealth of experience, technical and financial capacity that it possesses. We are aware that you have over 25 years of experience in the global financing industry, built relationships with investors and raised billions of dollars across all sectors of the economy, including real estate.
  5. We are also aware that you have a partnership with the United Nations Habitat Settlement Programme in its bid to launch the SDG 1,000 Cities by 2030, which aims to impact 1,000 lives at an estimated cost of over $4 trillion. We want to say that this UN initiative aligns perfectly with our own goal to provide sustainable and inclusive urban development across Nigeria.
  6. As articulated in the New Urban Agenda, “Cities can be massive agents of positive change if they are well-planned, built, and governed.” They can act as catalysts for inclusion and powerhouses of equitable economic growth.
  7. However, achieving this potential often has its many challenges. Critical issues such as inadequate data, ineffective urban governance systems, limited capacities in urban planning, and insufficient funding impede the realization of sustainable urbanization.
  8. It is against this background that our Ministry is implementing the Renewed Hope Cities and Estates Programme which His Excellency, President Bola Ahmed Tinubu launched in February, 2024. Under this initiative, we plan to deliver a total of 50,000 housing units across Nigeria in Phase One. The Cities will have 1,000 housing units per site in one location in each of the six geo-political zones and the FCT, while the Estates will have 250 housing units per site in the remaining thirty (30) states. So far we have done groundbreaking for two Renewed Hope Cities (FCT and Kano), and Renewed Hope Estates in twelve States (Ebonyi, Abia, Akwa Ibom, Delta, Osun, Benue, Nasarawa, Oyo, Katsina, Yobe, Gombe and Sokoto) making a total of 6,612 homes.
  9. We have designed the Renewed Hope Cities as integrated living communities targeting all income brackets. They comprise one-bedroom blocks of flats, two-bedroom blocks of flats, and three-bedroom blocks of flats; two-, three-, and four-bedroom terraces; four-bedroom duplexes; and five-bedroom duplexes.
  10. On the other hand, we have conceptualized the Renewed Hope Estates to cater to low- and medium-income earners. They comprise one-, two-, and three-bedroom semi-detached bungalows. To enhance affordability and ease of offtake, we used organic designs where one bedroom can be expanded to two-bedrooms and three-bedrooms as the income of beneficiaries increases over time.
  11. I am pleased to inform you that we have incorporated sustainable design measures to ensure that the cities and estates are climate smart and environmentally friendly.
  12. The funding for these projects will come from a mix of sources, including the Federal Ministry of Housing and Urban Development’s budgetary allocation, the Federal Mortgage Bank of Nigeria (FMBN), and Public Private Partnerships with reputable developers. We look forward to the Ansari Group coming on board as a major PPP partner.
  13. We have also made cross-subsidy a key part of our efforts to enhance affordability for low-medium income earners to foster integrated living. Under this concept, the housing units built in the Renewed Hope Cities will be sold at commercial rates while a substantial percentage will be sold at concessionary rates to low- and medium-income Nigerians.
  14. The Renewed Hope Cities and Estates Programme is a necessity to tackle Nigeria’s rapid population growth, meet the rising demand for housing and urban infrastructure, congestion, and strained infrastructure.
  15. It is also designed as a catalyst for economic growth. The construction and development of these new areas will generate employment opportunities, stimulate local businesses, and attract investments. The 50,000 housing units that we plan to deliver under Phase One will create 1,250,000 direct and indirect construction jobs. This is in addition to the value chain effects of purchasing, supplying building materials, and businesses around the construction sites.
  16. As you may be aware, Nigeria has a 200million population with an annual growth rate of 2.5 percent per annum. We have a huge housing deficit that requires us to build 550,000 housing units per annum over the next ten years. This requires about N5.5Trillion Annually (equivalent of about $300bn USD).
  17. The 50,000 units we plan to deliver under phase one of the Renewed Hope Cities and Estates Programme is relatively ambitious but small when compared to the size of the problem and the quantum of resources required. That is why we are looking to PPPs and collaborations with organizations such as yours that we can leverage to bridge the gap.
  18. Also, in line with Mr. President’s Renewed Hope Agenda to ensure that all Nigerians, including those with no income, vulnerable, and underprivileged groups, have access to decent and dignified accommodation, we are working to establish a National Social Housing Fund (NSHF). We believe that access to decent shelter is not only a necessity but a human right, and that all Nigerians across all income segments deserve a decent home to live and grow.
  19. The National Social Housing Fund is very important in our plans to increase access to decent housing to Nigerians and will also appreciate your Group’s partnership towards making it a reality and creating impact. As you may be aware, Nigeria is a low-income country with weak purchasing power. In fact, 85% of Nigeria’s 43m households have less than N1.1M purchasing power per annum (equivalent of $730USD): (17.2m fall into poverty-income group; 20.2m fall into the low-income group). This large group of Nigerians lack the financial capacity to own homes based on market rates and even through existing government programmes such as the National Housing Fund (NHF) Scheme.
  20. Our government has realised that the only practical strategy to tackling this challenge is through a TRANSPARENT, ACCOUNTABLE and IMPACT-DRIVEN social housing system that blends budgetary allocation, PPPs, donations from charity and philantropic organizations, corporate social responsibility.
  21. We would therefore appreciate a partnership with you in this regard particularly towards accessing concessionary funding from investors, donations, grants from charity organizations and philantrophic bodies.
  22. Another equally important area of interest to our country and the Ministry is encouraging the local manufacture of building materials. We plan to establish one building materials manufacturing hubs in each of the six (6) geopolitical zones of the country. We envision the Manufacturing hubs to have proper infrastructure including access to uninterrupted power, linkage roads, housing etc. This is still in line with our goal to lower the cost of housing construction, enhance access to homeownership, create local jobs and boost economic development.
  23. We are currently exploring potential partners and investors that we can work with to set the Building Manufacturing Hubs and would also like your support in this regard.
  24. I have taken time to go through these key initiatives to establish clarity on the key areas of need for a possible collaboration and partnership between the Federal Ministry of Housing and Urban Development and the Ansari Group. As a government, we are clear on what we want to do and are making efforts.
  25. As an international global firm, we would like to partner with the Ansari Group in the areas of technical capacity building, raising concessionary financing for the expansion of our Renewed Hope Cities and Estates Programme, implementation our National Social Housing Fund and establishment of Building Materials Manufacturing Hubs across the country.
  26. Once again, I would like to thank Her Excellency, Dr. Sania A. Ansari for setting up this meeting.
  27. I really hope that at the end of the deliberations in this meeting we shall come up with an actionable document that helps us to achieve our goals of building affordable, sustainable and environmentally friendly cities and communities as well as tackling systemic challenges that have worked against housing development in our dear country, Nigeria.
  28. Thank you.


Minister Of Housing Orders Investigation On Jos Building Collapse...

Minister of Housing Orders Investigation on Jos Building Collapse


…Promises Decisive Action Against Culprits


Following the unfortunate collapse of the Saint Academy School building in the Busa Buji area of Plateau State on Friday, 12 July 2024, the Minister of Housing and Urban Development, Arc. Ahmed Musa Dangiwa, has directed the Plateau State Controller of the Ministry to embark on an immediate and comprehensive investigation to ascertain the cause of the collapse and ensure that anyone found culpable is brought to justice.


Reacting to the tragic incident, the Minister described the collapse as yet another unfortunate tragedy for the nation due to the negligence and unscrupulous behavior of certain individuals during the construction process. "Unfortunately, the issue of building collapse has once again reared its ugly head in our nation. This is unacceptable because every time something like this happens, there's a mother or father who has lost a child, a child who has lost a parent, or an individual who has lost a sibling or friend.


"The cost of building collapse cannot be quantified because lives are involved. In this case, it was a school with students whose only offense was to leave their homes in search of knowledge. This is totally unacceptable," he said.


Arc. Dangiwa stated that a directive has been issued to the appropriate officials of the Ministry to carry out a full-scale investigation into the incident.


"I have directed an investigation, and we will get to the bottom of this. I want to assure Nigerians that this investigation will not go the same way as others in the past where nobody is prosecuted for wrongdoing. We will ensure anyone found culpable faces the full weight of the law. I know that prosecution will not bring back those we have lost to this tragedy, but it will serve as a deterrent to others who may be involved in such practices," he noted.


A statement by the National Emergency Management Authority revealed that more than 40 students have been rescued from the rubble, with many of them still hospitalized in various health facilities in Jos. "We will allow rescue operations to be concluded by NEMA, and we hope that we will not record any more casualties.


"I want to express my deepest condolences to the families of those whose lives were cut short by this unfortunate and preventable tragedy. It is a national loss, and we share in their grief. For those in the hospital, our prayers and thoughts are with them, and we wish them a good recovery, while we charge the health personnel to rise to the occasion and save these precious lives," he added.


Dangiwa further noted that while it may be difficult to rewrite the wrongs of the past, the Ministry is committed to ensuring that the incidence of building collapse is prevented in the future by collaborating with relevant agencies to enforce building standards and regulations in the country. This is evident in the strong warnings issued to developers of ongoing Renewed Hope Cities and Estates projects in the country, as well as control and monitoring mechanisms set up by the Ministry.


"As a result of the complexity of the housing sector, the Ministry has to collaborate with agencies of government to promote the enforcement of building codes. We will not relent in this commitment to ensure that Nigerians can sleep in their homes, work at their various places of business, or even learn in their schools with peace of mind knowing that the building will not collapse on them," he said.


Remarks By The Hon. Minister Of Housing And Urban Development, Arc. Ahmed Musa Dangiw...

Remarks By The Hon. Minister Of Housing And Urban Development, Arc. Ahmed Musa Dangiwa, At The Ground-Breaking For The 250-Housing Unit Renewed Hope Estate In Oyo State On Tuesday, July 9, 2024


Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen,

First, I would like to thank His Excellency, the Executive Governor of Oyo State, Oluwaseyi Abiodun Makinde for honoring our invitation to the groundbreaking for a 250-housing unit Renewed Hope Estate here in the State’s capital. This event was originally scheduled to hold last week but we had to move it forward owing to a presidential engagement. I thank His Excellency for understanding with us and regret all inconveniences that may have been caused by the change of schedule. 

Today’s ceremony is a continuation of the nationwide groundbreaking exercise for housing projects under the Renewed Hope Cities and Estates Programme of the Federal Ministry of Housing and Urban Development, which His Excellency, President Bola Ahmed Tinubu, GCFR, launched in February with the groundbreaking of a 3,112-housing unit in Karsana, Abuja.

Under Phase One of this programme, we plan to deliver a total of 50,000 housing units across Nigeria. This includes 7 Renewed Hope Cities that will have between 500 and 1,000 housing units per site in each of the six geopolitical zones in the country and the FCT, while the Renewed Hope Estates will have 250 units per site in the remaining thirty (30) states.

With this housing programme, we plan to unlock the massive potential of housing development to create jobs, uplift lives, and boost economic development. This is in line with the Renewed Hope Agenda of Mr. President to STIMULATE INCLUSIVE GROWTH, LIFT 100 MILLION NIGERIANS OUT OF POVERTY, AND BUILD A $1 TRILLION ECONOMY.

As you may recall, last month, following the presidential launch of the programme in Abuja, we embarked on the first leg of this exercise with the groundbreaking of 1,500 housing units in the northern part of Nigeria. This includes 250-housing unit Renewed Hope Estates, one each in Katsina, Yobe, Gombe, and Sokoto, and a 500-housing unit Renewed Hope City in Kano. Work is currently ongoing at each of these sites, and our plan is to have all of them completed within the next couple of months and made available to Nigerians in line with Mr. President’s desire to provide quality housing for all Nigerians. UNDER THE RENEWED HOPE AGENDA, WE ARE IMPLEMENTING A ZERO TOLERANCE FOR UNCOMPLETED PROJECTS.

Today’s event in Oyo completes the second leg of the exercise with groundbreaking for a total of 2,000 Renewed Hope Housing Units across eight (8) states in the South and North Central. We started two weeks ago on Wednesday July 26th with 250 units in Ebonyi. Same week Thursday we were in Abia for another 250 units, Friday we were in Akwa Ibom for another 250 units, and Saturday we were in Delta State for another 250 units. 

Last week Monday we were in Osun State to flag off 250 units. Friday we proceeded to Benue State to break ground for 250 units and Saturday we were in Nasarawa State to flag off another 250 units. Today’s groundbreaking in Oyo, marks the 8th under the second leg and the 13th location since the Presidential flag off in February with a total of 3,500 housing units.  

This estate comprises 50 units of 1-bedroom semi-detached bungalows, 150 units of 2-bedroom semi-detached bungalows, and 50 units of 3-bedroom semi-detached bungalows.

We have designed these housing units in a way that makes them affordable for people to acquire by using organic designs to allow for future expansion as the income of beneficiaries increases. This means that a 1-bedroom unit can be expanded to 2 bedrooms, and a 2-bedroom unit can also be expanded to 3 bedrooms as the owner’s financial situation improves or their family grows.

As we perform this groundbreaking, I want to charge the contractors
1. Messrs Skyhawk Nig. Ltd
2. Messrs Plusvaz Nigeria Ltd
3. Messrs Blue Sea Investment Ltd
4. Messrs Harama Global Ltd

to ensure that they build according to specifications. I want to emphasize in very strong terms that we will not tolerate substandard work from any developer, and we will explore all necessary legal means, to ensure that they deliver as per the contract. IF YOU COLLECT GOVERNMENT MONEY, YOU MUST DO THE WORK.

We also want the developers to adhere to the timeline and finish within three months so that we can begin the process of getting Oyo indigenes to purchase and move in.

To ensure affordability, we have created different options to enable everyone who has a source of income and livelihood to own these homes when they are completed. These include single-digit mortgage loans that beneficiaries can repay over 30 years, rent-to-own schemes provided by the Federal Mortgage Bank of Nigeria, and outright purchase options for those who can afford to pay upfront.

Statistics show that the construction of one housing unit creates an average of 25 direct and indirect jobs. So, for these 250 housing units in Oyo State, we hope to create jobs for over 6,500 people in various trades, from professionals like architects, civil engineers, and mechanical engineers to masons, plumbers, tilers, electricians, and laborers. We have seen unskilled workers at other project sites earning as much as N35,000 per week, at an average of N5,000 per day. This amounts to about N140,000 per month.

This is in addition to the economic activities, including those selling food, supplying blocks, and providing building materials. The value chain effect of construction work on this site is significant and creates a positive economic impact.

I want to state that under the Renewed Hope Agenda of His Excellency, President Bola Ahmed Tinubu, GCFR, we at the Federal Ministry of Housing and Urban Development are very particular about giving Nigerians value for money. We are diligently funding these projects from the N50 billion 2023 Supplementary Budget that Mr. President approved for the Ministry to ensure sustainability, quality, and geographic spread.

It is important to say that the provision of land in a good location and at no cost is a key condition for siting Renewed Hope Housing Projects. The twelve states covered under this 2023 supplementary budget are those that first provided land. I want to assure that states that have not been covered will be included in the Ministry’s 2024 Budget on a first-come, first-served basis, on the condition that they provide land at no cost to enhance affordability.

At this juncture, I want to appreciate and thank His Excellency, the Executive Governor of Oyo State, His Excellency Oluwaseyi Abiodun Makinde for promptly granting our request for the provision of land at no cost. This singular action has helped us to reduce as much as 30% of the cost of the units in this Estate for the benefit of potential homeowners. This is a dividend of responsible governance and I applaud Your Excellency for this. 

Before I close my remarks, I want to thank and appreciate our President for providing the vision and the political will necessary for us to make a difference in terms of delivering decent and quality housing to Nigerians. The Groundbreaking ceremonies for these projects demonstrate that Mr. President and indeed the federal government of Nigeria is committed to fulfilling promises and responsibilities to all Nigerians.

Long live Oyo State and His Excellency, the Executive Governor.
Long live the Federal Republic of Nigeria.
Long live Mr. President.


Remarks By The Hon. Minister Of Housing And Urban Development, Arc. Ahmed Musa Dangiw...

Remarks By The Hon. Minister Of Housing And Urban Development, Arc. Ahmed Musa Dangiwa, At The Ground-Breaking Of The 250-Housing Unit Renewed Hope Estate In Nasarawa State On Saturday, July 6, 2024


Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen,

First, I would like to thank His Excellency, the Executive Governor of Nasarawa  State, Engr. Abdullahi Sule for honoring our invitation to the groundbreaking of a 250-housing unit Renewed Hope Estate here in the State’s capital. 

Today’s ceremony is a continuation of the nationwide groundbreaking exercise for housing projects under the Renewed Hope Cities and Estates Programme of the Federal Ministry of Housing and Urban Development, which His Excellency, President Bola Ahmed Tinubu, GCFR, launched in February with the commissioning of a 3,112-housing unit in Karsana, Abuja.

Under Phase One of this programme, we plan to deliver a total of 50,000 housing units across Nigeria. This includes 7 Renewed Hope Cities that will have between 500 and 1,000 housing units per site in each of the six geopolitical zones in the country and the FCT, while the Renewed Hope Estates will have 250 units per site in the remaining thirty (30) states.

With this housing programme, we plan to unlock the massive potential of housing development to create jobs, uplift lives, and boost economic development. This is in line with the Renewed Hope Agenda of Mr. President to STIMULATE INCLUSIVE GROWTH, LIFT 100 MILLION NIGERIANS OUT OF POVERTY, AND BUILD A $1 TRILLION ECONOMY.

As you may recall, last month, following the presidential launch of the programme in Abuja, we embarked on the first leg of this exercise with the groundbreaking of 1,500 housing units in the northern part of Nigeria. This includes 250-housing unit Renewed Hope Estates, one each in Katsina, Yobe, Gombe, and Sokoto, and a 500-housing unit Renewed Hope City in Kano. Work is currently ongoing at each of these sites, and our plan is to have all of them completed within the next couple of months and made available to Nigerians in line with Mr. President’s desire to provide quality housing for all Nigerians. UNDER THE RENEWED HOPE AGENDA, WE ARE IMPLEMENTING A ZERO TOLERANCE FOR UNCOMPLETED PROJECTS.
This second leg will see us break ground for a total of 2,000 Renewed Hope Housing Units across eight (8) states in the South and North Central. We started last week Wednesday with 250 units in Ebonyi; Thursday we were in Abia for another 250 units, Friday we were in Akwa Ibom for another 250 units, Saturday we were in Delta State for another 250 units. This week Monday we were in in Osun State to flag off 250 units, yesterday  we were in Benue and today, we are happy to be here in Nasarawa to flag off another 250 units. The next stop from here will be in Oyo to complete this 2nd leg. 

This estate comprises 50 units of 1-bedroom semi-detached bungalows, 150 units of 2-bedroom semi-detached bungalows, and 50 units of 3-bedroom semi-detached bungalows.

We have designed these housing units in a way that makes them affordable for people to acquire by using organic designs to allow for future expansion as the income of beneficiaries increases. This means that a 1-bedroom unit can be expanded to 2 bedrooms, and a 2-bedroom unit can also be expanded to 3 bedrooms as the owner’s financial situation improves or their family grows.

As we perform this groundbreaking, I want to charge the contractors

2. Messrs. SAN AFRAH NIG. LTD and

to ensure that they build according to specifications. I want to emphasize in very strong terms that we will not tolerate substandard work from any developer, and we will explore all necessary legal means, to ensure that they deliver as per the contract. IF YOU COLLECT GOVERNMENT MONEY, YOU MUST DO THE WORK.
We also want the developers to adhere to the timeline and finish within three months so that we can begin the process of getting Nasarawa indigenes to purchase and move in.

To ensure affordability, we have created different options to enable everyone who has a source of income and livelihood to own these homes when they are completed. These include single-digit mortgage loans that beneficiaries can repay over 30 years, rent-to-own schemes provided by the Federal Mortgage Bank of Nigeria, and outright purchase options for those who can afford to pay upfront.

Statistics show that the construction of one housing unit creates an average of 25 direct and indirect jobs. So, for these 250 housing units in Nasarawa, we hope to create jobs for over 6,500 people in various trades, from professionals like architects, civil engineers, and mechanical engineers to masons, plumbers, tilers, electricians, and laborers. We have seen unskilled workers at other project sites earning as much as N35,000 per week, at an average of N5,000 per day. This amounts to about N140,000 per month.

This is in addition to the economic activities, including those selling food, supplying blocks, and providing building materials. The value chain effect of construction work on this site is significant and creates a positive economic impact.
I want to state that under the Renewed Hope Agenda of His Excellency, President Bola Ahmed Tinubu, GCFR, we at the Federal Ministry of Housing and Urban Development are very particular about giving Nigerians value for money. We are diligently funding these projects from the N50 billion 2023 Supplementary Budget that Mr. President approved for the Ministry to ensure sustainability, quality, and geographic spread.

It is important to say that the provision of land in a good location and at no cost is a key condition for siting Renewed Hope Housing Projects. The twelve states covered under this 2023 supplementary budget are those that first provided land. I want to assure that states that have not been covered will be included in the Ministry’s 2024 Budget on a first-come, first-served basis, on the condition that they provide land at no cost to enhance affordability.

At this juncture, I want to appreciate and thank His Excellency, the Executive Governor of Nasarawa State, His Excellency Engr. Abdullahi Sule for promptly granting our request for the provision of land at no cost. This singular action has helped us to reduce as much as 30% of the cost of the units in this Estate for the benefit of potential homeowners. This is a dividend of responsible governance and I applaud Your Excellency for this. 

Before I close my remarks, I want to thank and appreciate our President for providing the vision and the political will necessary for us to make a difference in terms of delivering decent and quality housing to Nigerians. The Groundbreaking ceremonies for these projects demonstrate that Mr. President and indeed the federal government of Nigeria is committed to fulfilling promises and responsibilities to all Nigerians.

Long live Nasarawa State and His Excellency, the Executive Governor.
Long live the Federal Republic of Nigeria.
Long live Mr. President.


Directors/ Heads Of Department In Housing Ministry Signs Performance Contract With Pe...

Directors/ Heads of Department in Housing Ministry Signs Performance Contract with Permanent Secretary


Directors and Heads of Departments in the Federal Ministry of Housing and Urban Development have signed a Performance Contract with the Permanent Secretary, Dr. Marcus Ogunbiyi, to institutionalize the Performance Management System in the Ministry on Thursday 4th July, 2024 at the Ministry’s headquarters in Abuja.


In his address at the occasion, the Permanent Secretary emphasized that Performance Management System was one of the key pillars of the ongoing reforms in the Federal Civil Service, noting the signing of the performance contact was in alignment with the national priorities and presidential deliverables.


He added that it would ensure that the Ministry remained among the leading Ministries, Extra-Ministerial Departments and Agencies (MDAs), in the implementation of the ongoing reforms in the Service.


“I am happy the signing of performance contracts with our directors is happening today. It is a clear testament to our collective commitment to excellence and efficiency”, he expressed.


The Permanent Secretary disclosed that the pillar 5 of the Presidential priorities focusing on " Transportation and Infrastructure as enabler of growth" which was a  mandate given to the ministry to drive is one of the  three components  that formed the framework for the development of the Ministerial Performance Management System Plan (MPMS) through which the departmental Performance Contract were developed.


 "Other components are the  Operational Priorities of the Ministry, derived from the National Development Plan; and, the Service-wide Priorities that comprised critical pillars and initiatives from the Federal Civil Service Strategies and Implementation Plan 2021-2025 (FCSSIP25),"  he  added.


Dr. Ogunbiyi, noted that the  Performance Contract was not  for promotion purpose  but designed to ensure officers are assigned responsibilities, and will form the basis of appraisals during the process of evaluation, pointing out  that critical activities and projects of the ministries have been developed into Key Performance Indicators(KPI), Targets and Milestones.


He added that performance contract was a blueprint for action; “They outline specific objectives, timelines and measurable outcomes that will guide our efforts in coming months”.


While reminding the Directors of the significant role they play in driving forward the reform agenda of the Federal Civil Service and priorities of the government, the Permanent Secretary tasked them to be dedicated to ensure the successful implementation of the targets and milestones in their contracts, also expressing readiness to provide necessary support needed.


“I will expect you to immediately commence the process of cascading signing of performance contracts with your subordinates and ensure that it is done within the next two weeks”, he directed.


According to the Permanent Secretary, Performance Management System, (PMS), is very important in the ministry since providing affordable houses, a mandate of the ministry requires the collective responsibilities of every department in the ministry.


“We have to develop the Bill of quantities, award the contracts, supervise the contractors on the field as well as carry out evaluation, all this would be done by the staff of the Ministry, so PMS is to bring out the best of all the staff to ensure that everybody plays his role and we assist the external contributors which are the contractors to perform their work; the assignment is for everyone but the PMS will bring out the best of all the people in the house such that the Presidential deliverables are achieved”, he explained.


 Dr. Ogunbiyi mentioned that innovation is one of the pillars of the reform currently going on in the service; according to him, every staff will work towards having innovative idea that would help achieve goals, revealing there would be annual reward for innovation as well as serious sanctions to officers who fail to discharge their duties effectively.



Earlier in his remarks, the Director of the department of Planning, Research and Statistics, Mohammed Bala Saulawa, said that the contract symbolized a commitment to excellence, accountability, and the shared vision held for the future of the Ministry.


He congratulated the Permanent Secretary for his leadership and foresight in fostering a results-oriented culture within the Ministry, adding that his guidance and support has been instrumental in steering the Ministry towards achieving its goals.


Saulawa further commended the Directors for their steadfastness and vision in translating policies into actions that positively impact the nation and its citizens.


“As we embark on this journey, let us remember that our responsibilities are not just to meet targets but to exceed them, to innovate, and to inspire together, we have the power to shape the future of our Ministry and to contribute meaningfully to the development of our country” he said.


We Creates Jobs, Uplifts Lives Through Housing Development - Dangiwa ...

We Creates Jobs, Uplifts Lives Through Housing Development - Dangiwa 


Minister of Housing and Urban Development Arc Ahmad Musa Dangiwa, has said that the Renewed Hope Housing Programme was planned to unlock the massive potential of housing development to create jobs, uplift lives and boost economic power of Nigerians.

The Minister made the statement through the Minister of State for Housing and Urban Development Abdullahi Tijjani Gwarzo during the groundbreaking and foundation laying for the construction of 250 housing unit of the Renewed Hope Estate in Makurdi, Benue state capital on Friday.

 " I want to state that under Renewed Hope Agenda of His Excellency, President Bola Ahmad Tinubu, GCFR, we at the Federal Ministry of Housing and Urban Development are very particular about giving Nigerians value for money" he said 

He explained that, statistics show that construction of one housing unit creates an average of 25 direct and indirect jobs, and this he said, translates in to creating over 6,500 jobs for various trades during the construction of the 250 housing units in Benue state.

Through, the housing development, the Minister further explained that, professionals like architects, civil engineers, mechanical engineers, masons, plumbers, tilers, electricians woud be engaged, besides the economic activities involving food vendors,  suppliers of blocks, building materials and the likes. 

" The value chain effect of construction work on every site is big and creates positive economic impact" he added 

The phase one housing project was being funded dilgently from the N50 billion 2023 Supplementary Budget approved for the Ministry by the President to ensure sustainability, quality and geographical spread.

The Minister further stated that provision of land in a good location by state is a key condition for siting Renewed Hope Housing Project, saying that the states covered under the 2023 supplementary budget are those that first provided land and states that are yet to be covered will be included in the 2024 budget of the  Ministry. 

" Work is currently ongoing at each of the sites already launched construction across the states and the plan is to have all the houses completed within the next couple of months and made available to Nigerians in line with President's desire to provide quality and affordable houses for all Nigerians" he remarked 

The Minister charged the contractors to ensure that they build according to specifications, emphasising that substandard work from any developer will not be tolerated and will explore all necessary legal means to ensure that they deliver as per the contract.

To this end, the Minister assured Nigerians that different options have been created to enable everyone who has a source of income and livelihood to own these homes when they are completed. 

Dangiwa commended President Bola Ahmad Tinubu for providing the vision and political will necessary to make a difference in terms of delivering decent and quality housing to Nigerians.

In his remarks, ,Governor Hyacinth Alia of Benue State, represented by the Commissioner of Works and Housing, Hon Orji Tiza stated that Benue state is committed to supporting the partnership with the federal government by any means,  adding that the state is ready to provide additional land if needed 

He thanked President President Bola Ahmed Tinubu for the Renewed Hope Housing initiative and Minister of Housing and Urban Development,  while assuring the contractors of adequate security to execute their job. 

Remarks By The Hon. Minister Of Housing And Urban Development, Arc. Ahmed Musa Dangiw...

Remarks By The Hon. Minister Of Housing And Urban Development, Arc. Ahmed Musa Dangiwa, At The Ground-Breaking Of The 250-Housing Unit Renewed Hope Estate In Osun On Tuesday, July 2, 2024


Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen,

First, I would like to thank His Excellency, the Executive Governor of Osun State, Sen. Ademola Adeleke for honoring our invitation to the groundbreaking of a 250-housing unit Renewed Hope Estate here in the State’s capital. 

Today’s ceremony is a continuation of the nationwide groundbreaking exercise for housing projects under the Renewed Hope Cities and Estates Programme of the Federal Ministry of Housing and Urban Development, which His Excellency, President Bola Ahmed Tinubu, GCFR, launched in February with the commissioning of a 3,112-housing unit in Karsana, Abuja.

Under Phase One of this programme, we plan to deliver a total of 50,000 housing units across Nigeria. This includes 7 Renewed Hope Cities that will have between 500 and 1,000 housing units per site in each of the six geopolitical zones in the country and the FCT, while the Renewed Hope Estates will have 250 units per site in the remaining thirty (30) states.

With this housing programme, we plan to unlock the massive potential of housing development to create jobs, uplift lives, and boost economic development. This is in line with the Renewed Hope Agenda of Mr. President to STIMULATE INCLUSIVE GROWTH, LIFT 100 MILLION NIGERIANS OUT OF POVERTY, AND BUILD A $1 TRILLION ECONOMY.

As you may recall, last month, following the presidential launch of the programme in Abuja, we embarked on the first leg of this exercise with the groundbreaking of 1,500 housing units in the northern part of Nigeria. This includes 250-housing unit Renewed Hope Estates, one each in Katsina, Yobe, Gombe, and Sokoto, and a 500-housing unit Renewed Hope City in Kano. Work is currently ongoing at each of these sites, and our plan is to have all of them completed within the next couple of months and made available to Nigerians in line with Mr. President’s desire to provide quality housing for all Nigerians. UNDER THE RENEWED HOPE AGENDA, WE ARE IMPLEMENTING A ZERO TOLERANCE FOR UNCOMPLETED PROJECTS.
This second leg will see us break ground for a total of 2,000 Renewed Hope Housing Units across eight (8) states in the South and North Central. We started last week Wednesday with 250 units in Ebonyi; Thursday we were in Abia for another 250 units, Friday we were in Akwa Ibom for another 250 units, Saturday we were in Delta State for another 250 units, and today we are happy to be here in Osun to flag off another 250 units. The next stop from here will be Benue, then Nasarawa after which we shall be in Oyo to complete this 2nd leg. 

This estate comprises 50 units of 1-bedroom semi-detached bungalows, 150 units of 2-bedroom semi-detached bungalows, and 50 units of 3-bedroom semi-detached bungalows.

We have designed these housing units in a way that makes them affordable for people to acquire by using organic designs to allow for future expansion as the income of beneficiaries increases. This means that a 1-bedroom unit can be expanded to 2 bedrooms, and a 2-bedroom unit can also be expanded to 3 bedrooms as the owner’s financial situation improves or their family grows.

As we perform this groundbreaking, I want to charge the contractors

1. Messrs. Muluda Nigeria Limited
2. Messrs. Ful Fledged Consult Nigeria Limited 

to ensure that they build according to specifications. I want to emphasize in very strong terms that we will not tolerate substandard work from any developer, and we will explore all necessary legal means, to ensure that they deliver as per the contract. IF YOU COLLECT GOVERNMENT MONEY, YOU MUST DO THE WORK.

We also want the developers to adhere to the timeline and finish within three months so that we can begin the process of getting Osun indigenes to purchase and move in.

To ensure affordability, we have created different options to enable everyone who has a source of income and livelihood to own these homes when they are completed. These include single-digit mortgage loans that beneficiaries can repay over 30 years, rent-to-own schemes provided by the Federal Mortgage Bank of Nigeria, and outright purchase options for those who can afford to pay upfront.

Statistics show that the construction of one housing unit creates an average of 25 direct and indirect jobs. So, for these 250 housing units in Osun, we hope to create jobs for over 6,500 people in various trades, from professionals like architects, civil engineers, and mechanical engineers to masons, plumbers, tilers, electricians, and laborers. We have seen unskilled workers at other project sites earning as much as N35,000 per week, at an average of N5,000 per day. This amounts to about N140,000 per month.

This is in addition to the economic activities, including those selling food, supplying blocks, and providing building materials. The value chain effect of construction work on this site is significant and creates a positive economic impact.
I want to state that under the Renewed Hope Agenda of His Excellency, President Bola Ahmed Tinubu, GCFR, we at the Federal Ministry of Housing and Urban Development are very particular about giving Nigerians value for money. We are diligently funding these projects from the N50 billion 2023 Supplementary Budget that Mr. President approved for the Ministry to ensure sustainability, quality, and geographic spread.

It is important to say that the provision of land in a good location and at no cost is a key condition for siting Renewed Hope Housing Projects. The twelve states covered under this 2023 supplementary budget are those that first provided land. I want to assure that states that have not been covered will be included in the Ministry’s 2024 Budget on a first-come, first-served basis, on the condition that they provide land at no cost to enhance affordability.

At this juncture, I want to appreciate and thank His Excellency, the Executive Governor of Osun State, His Excellency Sen. Ademola Adeleke for promptly granting our request for the provision of land at no cost. This singular action has helped us to reduce as much as 30% of the cost of the units in this Estate for the benefit of potential homeowners. This is a dividend of responsible governance and I applaud Your Excellency for this. 

Before I close my remarks, I want to thank and appreciate our President for providing the vision and the political will necessary for us to make a difference in terms of delivering decent and quality housing to Nigerians. The Groundbreaking ceremonies for these projects demonstrate that Mr. President and indeed the federal government of Nigeria is committed to fulfilling promises and responsibilities to all Nigerians.

Long live Osun and His Excellency, the Executive Governor.
Long live the Federal Republic of Nigeria.
Long live Mr. President.


Welcome Remarks By The Hon. Minister Of State For Housing And Urban Development, Alh....

Welcome Remarks By The Hon. Minister Of State For Housing And Urban Development, Alh. Tijjani Gwarzo At The Official Groundbreaking Ceremony Of The 250-Housing Units Renewed Hope Estate In Osun On Tuesday 2nd July 2024



Your Excellencies, Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen. 


I want to begin my remarks by specially welcoming the Executive Governor of Osun State, His Excellency, Sen. Ademola Adeleke. We are happy to have you here with us today.


It is indeed my pleasure to welcome you all, on behalf of the Honourable Minister of Housing and Urban Development, Arc. Ahmed Musa Dangiwa, to the groundbreaking ceremony for the 250-housing unit Renewed Hope Estate.


This project is part of a Nationwide Renewed Hope Cities and Estates Programme of the Ministry, which His Excellency President Bola Ahmed Tinubu officially launched earlier this year in Abuja, under which we plan to deliver 50,000 housing units in phase one.


Our broad aim through this programme is to TURN THE COUNTRY INTO A HUGE CONSTRUCTION SITE, unlock the power of the housing sector to create jobs, boost economic development, and help achieve Mr. President's goal to build a $1 trillion economy. 


This 250-housing units Estate project will create job opportunities during the construction phase for masons, bricklayers, plumbers, electricians, traders, and suppliers of building materials.


We look forward to quality construction work and a timely completion of the project.


Your Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen, I want to thank you for sparing time out of your very busy schedules to be here with us today.


Thank you, and God bless.


Remarks By The Hon. Minister Of Housing And Urban Development, Arc. Ahmed Musa Dangiw...

Remarks By The Hon. Minister Of Housing And Urban Development, Arc. Ahmed Musa Dangiwa At The Ground-Breaking Of The 250-Housing Unit Renewed Hope Estate In Delta On Saturday, June 29, 2024




Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen,


First, I would like to thank His Excellency, the Executive Governor of Delta State, Rt. Hon. Sheriff Oborevwori for honoring our invitation to the groundbreaking of a 250-housing unit Renewed Hope Estate here in the State’s capital. 


Today’s ceremony is a continuation of the nationwide groundbreaking exercise for housing projects under the Renewed Hope Cities and Estates Programme of the Federal Ministry of Housing and Urban Development, which His Excellency, President Bola Ahmed Tinubu, GCFR, launched in February with the commissioning of a 3,112-housing unit in Karsana, Abuja.


Under Phase One of this programme, we plan to deliver a total of 50,000 housing units across Nigeria. This includes 7 Renewed Hope Cities that will have between 500 and 1,000 housing units per site in each of the six geopolitical zones in the country and the FCT, while the Renewed Hope Estates will have 250 units per site in the remaining thirty (30) states.


With this housing programme, we plan to unlock the massive potential of housing development to create jobs, uplift lives, and boost economic development. This is in line with the Renewed Hope Agenda of Mr. President to STIMULATE INCLUSIVE GROWTH, LIFT 100 MILLION NIGERIANS OUT OF POVERTY, AND BUILD A $1 TRILLION ECONOMY.


As you may recall, last month, following the presidential launch of the programme in Abuja, we embarked on the first leg of this exercise with the groundbreaking of 1,500 housing units in the northern part of Nigeria. This includes 250-housing unit Renewed Hope Estates, one each in Katsina, Yobe, Gombe, and Sokoto, and a 500-housing unit Renewed Hope City in Kano. Work is currently ongoing at each of these sites, and our plan is to have all of them completed within the next couple of months and made available to Nigerians in line with Mr. President’s desire to provide quality housing for all Nigerians. UNDER THE RENEWED HOPE AGENDA, WE ARE IMPLEMENTING A ZERO TOLERANCE FOR UNCOMPLETED PROJECTS.


This second leg will see us break ground for a total of 2,000 Renewed Hope Housing Units across eight (8) states in the South and North Central. We started on Wednesday with 250 units in Ebonyi; Thursday we were in Abia for another 250 units, yesterday we were in Akwa Ibom for another 250 units and today we are happy to be here in Delta to flag off another 250 units. Next week we will proceed to Osun, Oyo, Benue, and Nasarawa states for 250 housing units in each of these states. 


This estate comprises 50 units of 1-bedroom semi-detached bungalows, 150 units of 2-bedroom semi-detached bungalows, and 50 units of 3-bedroom semi-detached bungalows.


We have designed these housing units in a way that makes them affordable for people to acquire by using organic designs to allow for future expansion as the income of beneficiaries increases. This means that a 1-bedroom unit can be expanded to 2 bedrooms, and a 2-bedroom unit can also be expanded to 3 bedrooms as the owner’s financial situation improves or their family grows.


As we perform this groundbreaking, I want to charge the contractors
Messrs Good News creative ideas Ltd
Messrs First class capital projects Ltd.
Messrs Good news creative ideas Ltd 
Messrs Gozcom investment Ltd 
Messrs Gozcom investment Ltd 

to ensure that they build according to specifications. I want to emphasize in very strong terms that we will not tolerate substandard work from any developer, and we will explore all necessary legal means, to ensure that they deliver as per the contract. If you collect government money, you must do the work.

We also want the developers to adhere to the timeline and finish within three months so that we can begin the process of getting Delta indigenes to purchase and move in.

To ensure affordability, we have created different options to enable everyone who has a source of income and livelihood to own these homes when they are completed. These include single-digit mortgage loans that beneficiaries can repay over 30 years, rent-to-own schemes provided by the Federal Mortgage Bank of Nigeria, and outright purchase options for those who can afford to pay upfront.

Statistics show that the construction of one housing unit creates an average of 25 direct and indirect jobs. So, for these 250 housing units in Delta, we hope to create jobs for over 6,500 people in various trades, from professionals like architects, civil engineers, and mechanical engineers to masons, plumbers, tilers, electricians, and laborers. We have seen unskilled workers at sites earning as much as N35,000 per week, at an average of N5,000 per day. This amounts to about N140,000 per month.

This is in addition to the economic activities, including those selling food, supplying blocks, and providing building materials. The value chain effect of construction work on this site is significant and creates a positive economic impact.

I want to state that under the Renewed Hope Agenda of His Excellency, President Bola Ahmed Tinubu, GCFR, we at the Federal Ministry of Housing and Urban Development are very particular about giving Nigerians value for money. We are diligently funding these projects from the N50 billion 2023 Supplementary Budget that Mr. President approved for the Ministry to ensure sustainability, quality, and geographic spread.

It is important to say that the provision of land in a good location and at no cost is a key condition for siting Renewed Hope Housing Projects. The twelve states covered under this 2023 supplementary budget are those that first provided land. I want to assure that states that have not been covered will be included in the Ministry’s 2024 Budget on a first-come, first-served basis, on the condition that they provide land at no cost to enhance affordability.

At this juncture, I want to appreciate and thank His Excellency, the Executive Governor of Delta State, Rt. Hon. Sheriff Oborevwori, for promptly granting our request for the provision of land at no cost. This singular action has helped us reduce as much as 30% of the cost of the units in this estate for the benefit of potential homeowners. This is a dividend of responsible governance, and I applaud Your Excellency for this.

Before I close my remarks, I want to thank and appreciate our President for providing the vision and the political will necessary for us to make a difference in terms of delivering decent and quality housing to Nigerians. The groundbreaking ceremonies for these projects demonstrate that Mr. President and indeed the Federal Government of Nigeria are committed to fulfilling promises and responsibilities to all Nigerians.

Long live Delta State and His Excellency, the Executive Governor.
Long live the Federal Republic of Nigeria.
Long live Mr. President.




In line with the ongoing digitalization in the Federal Civil Service, the department of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) in the Ministry of Housing and Urban Development, has conducted a hybrid training program on the use and management of the newly created official email accounts for staff of the Ministry, for the purpose of official correspondences.

In his address at the training program, the Permanent Secretary Dr. Marcus Ogunbiyi noted that the use of  official email address in all official correspondence was a  directive of the Head of Civil Service of the Federation and has become  an important gateway in the ongoing digitalization process in the civil service, pointing out that all communications with the Head of Service by directors and departments must be done using the official email address.

He expressed optimism that with the way the digitalization plans are going, the official emails may soon be required to log into the Integrated Personnel and Payroll Information System platform to make leave applications.

On Performance Management System (PMS), the Permanent Secretary informed that the Directors and Heads of Departments, HoDs, would sign their performance contract with him soon, and sanctions would be meted out to the HoD,  that are not active on the official email address.

Dr. Ogunbiyi urged the staff to execute tasks within their schedule to the best of their abilities as the ratings from their performances when evaluated  would contribute to their scores during promotions. 

"we are commencing Performance Management System and any strikes gotten in the reporting year will affect your scores and ratings, and ultimately affect your promotion”, he notified.

He strongly advised about the importance of the use of the official email address as well as visits to the Integrated Personnel and Payroll Information System (IPPIS)  self portal, adding they would also form part of assessment for the PMS.

The Permanent Secretary further encouraged the staff to visit the recently launched virtual learning platform by the Office of the Head of Service, to learn and take courses that will improve their careers.

In his presentation, the Director in charge of the ICT department, Marcus Amiolemen, told the participants that the essence of the training was to ensure that  everybody knows how to effectively use the staff official email account created for the staff using their username.

He explained that the creation of an official email address that is domain specific for government businesses was the  directive of the Head of Civil Service of the Federation, adding the official email address gives the staff the ministry's identity.

He informed that the URL of the official Email for the Ministry is or alternatively, through the staff email option on the menu bar of the Ministry’s web portal

The Director educated the participants on the importance of the country’s identity which is, on the international gateway, adding that all official communications must use official emails that come with the domain name for identity purposes.

On the security of email accounts, Amiolemen gave assurance that the accounts are fully secured as it is being managed by Galaxy Backbone, a company with a proven track record  in ICT in Nigeria, adding  the site is also designed to identify and filter unsolicited emails.

Amiolemen, while informing the participants that a total of 520 official email addresses has been created for staff of the Ministry since the directive from the Head of Service sadly noted  that more than 75% of the email addresses were not yet in use.

He warned that  the email accounts were designed to be  automatically deactivated and license retrieved  by Galaxy Backbone, the managers of the exchange platform, if not used within a period of 90 days.

 Amiolemen also demonstrated practical steps through slides, on how to navigate the platform, while also appealing to the staff to visit the Ministry’s web portal so as to be kept abreast of happenings in the Ministry.

Abia Governor, Otti Appreciates FG For Renewed Hope Housing  Estate...

Abia Governor, Otti Appreciates FG for Renewed Hope Housing  Estate


... says Abians are wonderfully grateful for the gift 

* Construction of Federal Secretartariat in Abia also approaved - Dangiwa 


Governor of Abia State, Dr Alex Otti has expressed the gratitude of his State for the 250 housing units the Federal government brought to the State under it's Renewed Hope Cities and Estates Programme 


He said " Abia state is wonderfully grateful for the gift of the houses "


The Governor made this statement during the groundbreaking of 250 Renewed Hope Housing Estate at Bende Local Government Area, near Umuahia, the Capital City of Abia State, Thursday,  June 27th, 2024.


The Federal Government through the Ministry of Housing and Urban Development is building 50,000 housing units under phase one of its Renewed Hope Housing Cities and Estates Programme across the nation.


A groundbreaking and foundation laying for the construction of 250 Renewed Hope Estate was performed by the Governor along side Minister of Housing and Urban Development,  Arc Ahmed Musa Dangiwa. 


Governor Otti, who spoke through his deputy , Engr Ikechukwu Emetu commended President Bola Ahmed Tinubu and the commitment of Minister Ahmed Dangiwa for the housing initiative 


" This is what a responsible government is supposed to do and we are seeing it now under the present government" he added 

Minister Dangiwa told the developers of the  Renewed Hope Estate project across the country to ensure completion of the project  within three months stipulated period to enable Nigerians in the respective states occupy the houses as quickly as possible.


The ground-breaking event in Abia State was a follow up of Renewed Hope Cities and Estates programme launched by President Bola Ahmed Tinubu in February 2024.


The second round of groundbreaking covers eight states in the South and North-Central zones of the country, namely; Ebonyi, Abia,  Akwa Ibom, Delta, Osun, Oyo, Benue and Nasarawa State, each comprising 250 housing units, and making a total of 2,000 units in the round.


Dangiwa said “ By the end of this second round, we would have broken ground for a total of 6,612 housing units across the country since February this year, creating direct and indirect jobs for over 165,000 at an average of 25 jobs per unit" 


The 250 housing units in Abia, just like in each of the states, will consist of 50 units of 1-bedroom semi-detached bungalows, 150 units of 2-bedroom semi-detached bungalows, and 50 units of 3-bedroom semi-detached bungalows.


On the sales for the houses, the minister said “We have created different options to enable everyone who has a source of income and livelihood to own these homes when they are completed" 


He listed the options to include; single-digit mortgage loans that beneficiaries can repay over 30 years; rent-to-own schemes provided by the Federal Mortgage Bank of Nigeria, and outright purchase options for those who can afford to pay upfront. 


The housing units were  designed in a way that makes them affordable by using organic designs to allow for future expansion as the income of beneficiaries increases. 


A 1-bedroom unit is expandable to 2 bedrooms and a 2-bedroom unit can also be expanded to 3 bedrooms as the owner’s financial situation improves or their family grows.

Accordingly,  the Minister disclosed that the 12 Renewed Hope Estates flagged off so far are being funded under the N50 billion 2023 Supplementary Budget approved by the President for the projects.


Similarly, he also assured that states not captured in the 2023 Supplementary Budget will be included in the Ministry’s 2024 Budget, urging other state governors to provide land needed to implement the project in their states.

Remarks By The Hon. Minister Of Housing And Urban Development, Arc. Ahmed Musa Dangiw...

Remarks by The Hon. Minister Of Housing and Urban Development, Arc. Ahmed Musa Dangiwa At The Ground-Breaking Ceremony For 250-Housing Unit Renewed Hope Estate In Ebonyi On Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen,

First, I would like to thank His Excellency, the Executive Governor of Ebonyi State, Rt. Hon. Francis Ogbonna Nwifuru, for honoring our invitation to the groundbreaking of a 250-housing unit Renewed Hope Estate here in Abakiliki, the state’s capital.
Today’s ceremony starts the second leg of a nationwide groundbreaking exercise for housing projects under the Renewed Hope Cities and Estates Programme, which His Excellency, President Bola Ahmed Tinubu, GCFR, launched in February with the commissioning of a 3,112-housing unit in Karsana, Abuja.

Under Phase One of this programme, we plan to deliver a total of 50,000 housing units across Nigeria. This includes 7 Renewed Hope Cities that will have between 500 and 1,000 housing units per site in each of the six geopolitical zones in the country and the FCT, while the Renewed Hope Estates will have 250 units per site in the remaining thirty (30) states.

With this housing programme, we plan to unlock the massive potential of housing development to create jobs, uplift lives, and boost economic development.

As you may recall, last month, following the presidential flag-off, we embarked on the first leg of the exercise with the groundbreaking of 1,500 housing units in the northern part of Nigeria. This includes 250-housing unit Renewed Hope Estates, one in Katsina, Yobe, Gombe, and Sokoto, and a 500-housing unit Renewed Hope City in Kano.

Work is currently ongoing at each of these sites, and our plan is to have them all completed within the next couple of months and made available to Nigerians in line with Mr. President’s desire to provide quality housing for all Nigerians.
This second leg will see us break ground for a total of 2,000 Renewed Hope Housing Units in eight (8) states in the South and North Central regions of our country. This includes 250 housing units each, starting in Ebonyi today, followed by Abia, Akwa Ibom, Delta, Osun, Oyo, Benue, and Nasarawa states.

This Renewed Hope Estate that we are flagging off today comprises 50 units of 1-bedroom semi-detached bungalows, 150 units of 2-bedroom semi-detached bungalows, and 50 units of 3-bedroom semi-detached bungalows.

We have designed these housing units in a way that makes them easy and affordable for people to acquire by using organic designs to allow for future expansion as the income of beneficiaries increases. This means that a 1-bedroom unit can be expanded to 2 bedrooms, and 2-bedroom units can be expanded to 3 bedrooms as the owner’s financial situation improves or their family grows.

As we break ground for this project, I want to charge the developers, Jephthah Global Investments Ltd, Proportion Construction Works Nigeria Limited, Ideal Shelters Limited, and KLYN Construction Works Ltd, to ensure that they build according to specifications. I want to warn in very strong terms that WE WILL NOT TOLERATE SUBSTANDARD WORK. You must be committed to delivering quality work as per the contractual terms to ensure durability.

We also want you to have this work finished within three months so that we can begin the process of getting Ebonyi indigenes to purchase and move in.

We have created different options to enable everyone who has a source of income and livelihood to own these homes when they are completed. These include single-digit mortgage loans that beneficiaries can repay over 30 years and rent-to-own schemes provided by the Federal Mortgage Bank of Nigeria, and outright purchase options for those who can afford to pay upfront.

Statistics show that the construction of one housing unit creates an average of 25 direct and indirect jobs. So, for these 250 housing units that we are building here in Ebonyi, we aim to create jobs for over 6,500 people in various trades, from professionals like architects, civil engineers, and mechanical engineers to masons, plumbers, tilers, and electricians. This is in addition to the economic activities, including those selling food, supplying blocks, and providing building materials. The value chain effect of construction work on this site is significant and creates a positive economic impact.

I want to state that under the Renewed Hope Agenda of His Excellency, President Bola Ahmed Tinubu, GCFR, we at the Federal Ministry of Housing and Urban Development are very particular about giving Nigerians value for money. We are diligently funding these projects from the N50 billion 2023 Supplementary Budget that Mr. President approved for the Ministry to ensure sustainability, quality, and geographic spread. I want to assure states that have not been covered under the 2023 Supplementary Budget will be included in the Ministry’s 2024 Budget on the condition that they provide land at no cost to enhance affordability.

At this juncture, I want to appreciate and thank His Excellency, the Executive Governor of Ebonyi State, Rt. Hon. Francis Ogbonna Nwifuru, for promptly granting our request for the provision of land at no cost. This singular action has helped us reduce as much as 30% of the cost of the units in this estate for the benefit of potential homeowners. This is a dividend of responsible governance, and I applaud Your Excellency for this.

Before I close my remarks, I want to thank and appreciate our President for providing the vision and the political will necessary for us to make a difference in terms of delivering decent and quality housing to Nigerians. The groundbreaking ceremonies for these projects demonstrate that Mr. President and indeed the federal government of Nigeria are committed to fulfilling promises and responsibilities to all Nigerians.

Long live Ebonyi and His Excellency, the Executive Governor.
Long live the Federal Republic of Nigeria.
Long live Mr. President.





Sights from the oversight visit of Senate Committee on Lands, Housing and Urban Development to the Federal Ministry of Housing and Urban Development, Wednesday,  July 24th, 2024

Click To View More Pictures




Ground-Breaking For The 250-Housing Unit Renewed Hope Estate In Oyo State On Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Click To View More Pictures

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